

Gitrob is a command line tool which can help organizations and security professionals find sensitive information lingering in publicly available files on GitHub. The tool will iterate over all public organization and member repositories and match filenames against a range of patterns for files that typically contain sensitive or dangerous information.

Looking for sensitive information in GitHub repositories is not a new thing, it has been known for a while that things such as private keys and credentials can be found with GitHub's search functionality, however Gitrob makes it easier to focus the effort on a specific organization.

Code Quality Rank: L5
Monthly Downloads: 195
Programming language: Go
License: MIT License
Tags: Security     Rubygems    
Latest version: v2.0.0

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Gitrob: Putting the Open Source in OSINT

Gitrob is a tool to help find potentially sensitive files pushed to public repositories on Github. Gitrob will clone repositories belonging to a user or organization down to a configurable depth and iterate through the commit history and flag files that match signatures for potentially sensitive files. The findings will be presented through a web interface for easy browsing and analysis.


gitrob [options] target [target2] ... [targetN]


-bind-address string
    Address to bind web server to (default "")
-commit-depth int
    Number of repository commits to process (default 500)
    Print debugging information
-github-access-token string
    GitHub access token to use for API requests
-load string
    Load session file
    Don't add members to targets when processing organizations
-port int
    Port to run web server on (default 9393)
-save string
    Save session to file
    Suppress all output except for errors
-threads int
    Number of concurrent threads (default number of logical CPUs)

Saving session to a file

By default, gitrob will store its state for an assessment in memory. This means that the results of an assessment is lost when Gitrob is closed. You can save the session to a file by using the -save option:

gitrob -save ~/gitrob-session.json acmecorp

Gitrob will save all the gathered information to the specified file path as a special JSON document. The file can be loaded again for browsing at another point in time, shared with other analysts or parsed for custom integrations with other tools and systems.

Loading session from a file

A session stored in a file can be loaded with the -load option:

gitrob -load ~/gitrob-session.json

Gitrob will start its web interface and serve the results for analysis.


A precompiled version is available for each release, alternatively you can use the latest version of the source code from this repository in order to build your own binary.

Make sure you have a correctly configured Go >= 1.8 environment and that $GOPATH/bin is in your $PATH

$ go get github.com/michenriksen/gitrob

This command will download gitrob, install its dependencies, compile it and move the gitrob executable to $GOPATH/bin.

Github access token

Gitrob will need a Github access token in order to interact with the Github API. Create a personal access token and save it in an environment variable in your .bashrc or similar shell configuration file:

export GITROB_ACCESS_TOKEN=deadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeefdeadbeef

Alternatively you can specify the access token with the -github-access-token option, but watch out for your command history!