

This Ruby gem provides a double entry accounting system for use in any Rails application. It stores all the data via ActiveRecord in the SQL database.

Programming language: Ruby
License: MIT License
Tags: Money     Finance     Rubygems    

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This Ruby gem provides a double entry accounting system for use in any Rails application. It stores all the data via ActiveRecord in the SQL database.

Build Status Code Climate Coverage Status


  • Journal entries with two or more postings follow Double Entry principle
  • Accounts (including subaccounts and groups)
  • Tax
  • Cost center
  • Balance sheet
  • Profit and loss statement
  • DATEV export


  • Ruby 2.6+
  • Rails 4.2+ (including Rails 6.1)


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'keepr'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install keepr

Getting started

After install run following

rails g keepr:migration  
rails db:migrate

It will create database migration file and add new models



All accounting entries are stored inside "Account", just like what described in accounting principle. To create account, use following:

Keepr::Account.create!(number: 27, name: 'Software', kind: :asset)

"kind" can be one of following value:

[asset liability revenue expense forward debtor creditor]

Account can be have "child account". All entries posted in child account will be show in the "parent account". To create child account, use:

account_1400 = Keepr::Account.create!(number: 1400, name: 'Software', kind: :expense)
account_14001 = Keepr::Account.create!(number: 14001, name: 'Rails', parent: account_1400 , kind: :expense)

Accounts can be organise inside Group

group = Keepr::Group.create!(is_result: true, target: :liability, name: 'foo')  
Keepr::Account.create!(number: 100, name: 'Trade payable', kind: :liability, keepr_group: group)

And you can also organise group in "parent-child" if you wish

parent_group = Keepr::Group.create!(is_result: true, target: :liability, name: 'foo')  
child_group = parent_group.children.create! name: 'Bar'


Simple Journal

simple_journal = Keepr::Journal.create keepr_postings_attributes: [
  { keepr_account: account_1000, amount: 100.99, side: 'debit' },
  { keepr_account: account_1200, amount: 100.99, side: 'credit' }

Complex journal

complex_journal = Keepr::Journal.create keepr_postings_attributes: [
  { keepr_account: account_4920, amount: 8.40, side: 'debit' },
  { keepr_account: account_1576, amount: 1.60, side: 'debit' },
  { keepr_account: account_1600, amount: 10.00, side: 'credit' }

Entry can be lock for changing data

simple_journal.update! permanent: true

Account balance

We can get account balance as follow




Tax account

// Create Tax keeping account
Keepr::Account.create! number: 1776, name: 'Umsatzsteuer 19%', kind: :asset

Keepr::Tax.create! name: 'USt19',
                       description: 'Umsatzsteuer 19%',
                       value: 19.0,
                       keepr_account: tax_account

// Create sale account that link to tax
account = Keepr::Account.new number: 8400,
                             name: 'Erlöse 19% USt',
                             kind: :revenue,
                             keepr_tax: tax 


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request

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Copyright (c) 2013-2021 Georg Ledermann, released under the MIT license

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Keepr README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.