

Tiny, fast & funny HTTP server

Thin is a Ruby web server that glues together 3 of the best Ruby libraries in web history:

Code Quality Rank: L5
Monthly Downloads: 2,837,986
Programming language: Ruby
License: Ruby License
Tags: Web Servers     Provision     Deploy     Host    
Latest version: v2.0.0.pre

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A small and fast Ruby web server


gem install thin

Or add thin to your Gemfile:

gem 'thin'


A +thin+ script offers an easy way to start your Rack application:

thin start

Browse the example directory for sample applications.

Usage with Rails Action Cable

To use Thin with Action Cable, add the following to your Gemfile:

gem 'faye-websocket'
gem 'thin' # If not already done

Create a config/initializers/thin_action_cable.rb:

Rails.application.config.action_cable.use_faye = true
Faye::WebSocket.load_adapter 'thin'


Use a rackup (config.ru) file and bind to localhost port 8080:

thin -R config.ru -a -p 8080 start

Store the server process ID, log to a file and daemonize:

thin -p 9292 -P tmp/pids/thin.pid -l logs/thin.log -d start

Thin is quite flexible in that many options can be specified at the command line (see thin -h for more).

Configuration files

You can create a configuration file using thin config -C config/thin.yml.

You can then use it with all commands, such as: thin start -C config/thin.yml.

Here is an example config file:

user: www-data
group: www-data
pid: tmp/pids/thin.pid
timeout: 30
wait: 30
log: log/thin.log
max_conns: 1024
require: []
environment: production
max_persistent_conns: 512
servers: 1
threaded: true
no-epoll: true
daemonize: true
socket: tmp/sockets/thin.sock
chdir: /path/to/your/apps/root
tag: a-name-to-show-up-in-ps aux


Ruby License, http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/LICENSE.txt.


The parser was originally from Mongrel http://mongrel.rubyforge.org by Zed Shaw. Mongrel is copyright 2007 Zed A. Shaw and contributors. It is licensed under the Ruby license and the GPL2.

Thin is copyright Marc-Andre Cournoyer [email protected]

Get help at http://groups.google.com/group/thin-ruby/ Report bugs at https://github.com/macournoyer/thin/issues and major security issues directly to me at [email protected].

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Thin README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.