ActiveAdmin v2.3.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-09-12 // over 4 years ago
  • ✨ Enhancements


    • ⬆️ Bump minimum ransack requirement to make sure everyone gets a version that works ok with all supported versions of Rails. #5831 by @deivid-rodriguez

    🐛 Bug Fixes

    • Fix CSVBuilder not respecting ActiveAdmin.application.csv_options = { humanize_name: false } setting. #5800 by @HappyKadaver
    • 🛠 Fix crash when displaying current filters after filtering by a nested resource. #5816 by @deivid-rodriguez
    • 🛠 Fix pagination when pagination_total is false to not show a "Last" link, since it's incorrect because we don't have the total pages information. #5822 by @deivid-rodriguez
    • 🛠 Fix optional nested resources causing incorrect routes to be generated, when renamed resources (through :as option) are involved. #5826 by @ndbroadbent, @Kris-LIBIS and @deivid-rodriguez
    • 🛠 Fix double modal issue in applications using turbolinks 5. #5842 by @sgara