chewy v0.2.0 Release Notes

    • Reworked import error handling. Now all the import errors from ElasticSearch are handled properly, also import method returns true of false depending on the import process success.

    • Chewy::Index.import now takes types hash as argument within options hash:

      PlacesIndex.import city: City.enabled, country: Country.enabled, refresh: false

    • Old indexes cleanup after reset.

    • Added index prefixes.

    • define_type now takes options for adapter.

    • chewy:reset and chewy:reset:all rake tasks are now trying to reset index with zero downtime if it is possible.

    • Added chewy:update:all rake task.

    • Methods .create, .create!, .delete, .delete, reset! are now supports index name suffix passing as the first argument. See [actions.rb](lib/chewy/index/actions.rb) for more details.

    • Method reset renamed to reset!.

    • Added common loading scope for AR adapter. Also removed scope proc argument, now it executes just in main load scope context.

      CitiesIndex.all.load(scope: {city: City.include(:country)}) CitiesIndex.all.load(scope: {city: -> { include(:country) }}) CitiesIndex.all.load(scope: ->{ include(:country) })