daru v0.0.4 Release Notes

    • โž• Added wrappers for Array, NMatrix and MDArray such that the external implementation is completely transparent of the data type being used internally.
    • โž• Added statistics methods for vectors for ArrayWrapper. These are compatible with statsample methods.
    • โž• Added plotting functions for DataFrame and Vector using Nyaplot.
    • Create a DataFrame by specifying the rows with the ".rows" class method.
    • Create a Vector from a Hash.
    • Call a Vector element by specfying the index name as a method call (method_missing logic).
    • Retrive multiple rows of a DataFrame by specfying a Range or an Array with multiple index names.
    • #head and #tail for DataFrame.
    • #uniq for Vector.
    • #max for Vector can return a Vector object with the index set to the index of the max value.
    • ๐Ÿ“š Tonnes of documentation for most methods.