Devise v4.1.0 Release Notes

    • ๐Ÿ› bug fixes

      • Fix race condition of sending the confirmation instructions e-mail using background jobs. Using the previous after_create callback, the e-mail can be sent before the record be committed on database, generating a ActiveRecord::NotFound error. Now the confirmation e-mail will be only sent after the database commit, using the after_commit callback. It may break your test suite on Rails 4 if you are testing the sent e-mails or enqueued jobs using transactional fixtures enabled or DatabaseCleaner with transaction strategy. You can easily fix your test suite using the gem test_after_commit. For example, put in your Gemfile:
        gem 'test_after_commit', :group => :test

      On Rails 5 after_commit callbacks are triggered even using transactional fixtures, then this fix will not break your test suite. If you are using DatabaseCleaner with the deletion or truncation strategies it may not break your tests. (by @allenwq)

      • Fix strategy checking in Lockable#unlock_strategy_enabled? for :none and :undefined strategies. (by @f3ndot)
    • ๐Ÿ”‹ features

      • Humanize authentication keys in failure flash message (by @byzg) When you are configuring the translations of devise.failure.invalid, the authentication_keys is translated now.
    • ๐Ÿ—„ deprecations

      • Remove code supporting old session serialization format (by @fphilipe).
      • Now the email_regexp default uses a more permissive regex: /\A[^@\s]+@[^@\s]+\z/ (by @kimgb)
      • Now the strip_whitespace_keys default is [:email] (by @ulissesalmeida)
      • Now the reconfirmable default is true (by @ulissesalmeida)
      • Now the skip_session_storage default is [:http_auth] (by @ulissesalmeida)
      • Now the sign_out_via default is :delete (by @ulissesalmeida)
    • ๐Ÿ‘Œ improvements

      • Avoids extra computation of friendly token for confirmation token (by @sbc100)