Devise v4.2.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2017-03-15 // about 7 years ago
    • removals
      • Devise::Mailer#scope_name and Devise::Mailer#resource are now protected methods instead of public.
    • 🐛 bug fixes
      • Attempt to reset password without the password field in the request now results in a :blank validation error. Before this change, Devise would accept the reset password request and log the user in, without validating/changing the password. (by @victor-am)
      • Confirmation links now expire based on UTC time, working properly when using different timezones. (by @jjuliano)
    • ✨ enhancements
      • Notify the original email when it is changed with a new Devise.send_email_changed_notification setting. When using reconfirmable, the notification will be sent right away instead of when the unconfirmed email is confirmed. (original change by @ethirajsrinivasan)