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ORM/ODM Extensions gems

Showing projects tagged as Auditing and ORM/ODM Extensions

  • PaperTrail

    9.5 5.9 L3 Ruby
    Track changes to your rails models
  • Audited

    8.8 6.8 L5 Ruby
    Audited (formerly acts_as_audited) is an ORM extension that logs all changes to your Rails models.
  • Paranoia

    8.5 5.7 L3 Ruby
    acts_as_paranoid for Rails 5, 6 and 7
  • Discard

    7.3 6.0 Ruby
    ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿ—‘ Soft deletes for ActiveRecord done right
  • marginalia

    7.1 3.5 L5 Ruby
    Attach comments to ActiveRecord's SQL queries
  • ActsAsParanoid

    6.8 6.7 L5 Ruby
    ActiveRecord plugin allowing you to hide and restore records without actually deleting them.
  • Logidze

    6.7 5.5 Ruby
    Database changes log for Rails
  • mongoid-history

    4.7 3.7 L5 Ruby
    Multi-user non-linear history tracking, auditing, undo, redo for mongoid.
  • Destroyed At

    3.8 0.0 L5 Ruby
    ActiveRecord Mixin for Safe Destroys
  • PermenantRecords

    3.7 1.9 L5 Ruby
    Rails Plugin - soft-delete your ActiveRecord records. It's like an explicit version of ActsAsParanoid
  • Espinita

    3.4 4.6 L5 Ruby
    Audit activerecord models like a boss (and works with rails 4!)