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Coding Style Guides gems

Showing projects tagged as Coding Style Guides

  • Ruby style guide

    9.9 6.6
    A community-driven Ruby coding style guide
  • Rails style guide

    9.5 4.3
    A community-driven Ruby on Rails style guide
  • fast-ruby

    9.2 4.6 L5 Ruby
    :dash: Writing Fast Ruby :heart_eyes: -- Collect Common Ruby idioms.
  • RSpec style guide

    8.6 1.0 HTML
    RSpec Best Practices
  • Best-Ruby

    8.1 0.0 L5 Ruby
    Ruby Tricks, Idiomatic Ruby, Refactoring and Best Practices
  • contracts.ruby

    6.5 1.4 Ruby
    Contracts for Ruby.
  • Fundamental Ruby

    4.8 3.0 L5 Ruby
    :books: Fundamental programming with ruby examples and references. It covers threads, SOLID principles, design patterns, data structures, algorithms. Books for reading. Repo for website
  • Functional Ruby

    4.6 0.0 Ruby
    DISCONTINUED. A gem for adding functional programming tools to Ruby