Frameworks gems

Showing projects tagged as Frameworks

  • Capybara

    9.7 7.0 L5 Ruby
    Acceptance test framework for web applications
  • shoulda-matchers

    9.0 8.1 L5 Ruby
    Simple one-liner tests for common Rails functionality
  • Cucumber

    8.9 0.0 L1 TypeScript
    A home for issues that are common to multiple cucumber repositories
  • minitest

    8.7 8.6 L2 Ruby
    minitest provides a complete suite of testing facilities supporting TDD, BDD, mocking, and benchmarking.
  • RSpec

    8.3 3.4 Ruby
    RSpec meta-gem that depends on the other components
  • Avo

    7.0 9.8 Ruby
    Easily the most powerful Ruby on Rails admin panel framework!
  • Spork

    6.8 0.0 L5 Ruby
    A DRb server for testing frameworks (RSpec / Cucumber currently) that forks before each run to ensure a clean testing state.
  • Aruba

    6.4 7.8 L5 Ruby
    Test command-line applications with Cucumber-Ruby, RSpec or Minitest.
  • Phony

    6.4 4.8 Ruby
    E164 international phone number normalizing, splitting, formatting.
  • phonelib

    6.2 6.9 Ruby
    Ruby gem for phone validation and formatting using google libphonenumber library data
  • Konacha

    6.2 0.0 L5 Ruby
    Test your Rails application's JavaScript with the mocha test framework and chai assertion library
  • Fuubar

    5.7 0.0 L5 Ruby
    The instafailing RSpec progress bar formatter
  • Nyan Cat

    5.3 0.0 L5 Ruby
    Nyan Cat inspired RSpec formatter!
  • telegram-bot

    5.2 6.5 Ruby
    Ruby gem for building Telegram Bot with optional Rails integration
  • Spinach

    5.0 0.0 L5 Ruby
    Spinach is a BDD framework on top of Gherkin.
  • Vessel

    4.7 4.2 Ruby
    Fast high-level web crawling Ruby framework
  • Glimmer

    4.5 7.1 Ruby
    DSL Framework consisting of a DSL Engine and a Data-Binding Library used in Glimmer DSL for SWT (JRuby Desktop Development GUI Framework), Glimmer DSL for Opal (Pure Ruby Web GUI), Glimmer DSL for LibUI (Prerequisite-Free Ruby Desktop Development GUI Library), Glimmer DSL for Tk (Ruby Tk Desktop Development GUI Library), Glimmer DSL for GTK (Ruby-GNOME Desktop Development GUI Library), Glimmer DSL for XML (& HTML), and Glimmer DSL for CSS
  • Bacon

    4.4 0.0 L5 Ruby
    a small RSpec clone
  • Test::Unit

    4.2 7.9 L1 Ruby
  • rack-app

    4.1 5.4 L5 Ruby
    minimalist framework for building rack applications
  • Praxis

    4.0 5.5 L5 Ruby
    Praxis is a framework that focuses on both the design and implementation aspects of creating APIs.
  • RR

    3.7 0.0 L4 Ruby
    RR is a test double framework that features a rich selection of double techniques and a terse syntax. ⛺
  • Gamebox

    3.6 0.0 Ruby
    A game template for building and distributing Gosu apps.
  • NYNY (New York, New York)

    3.6 0.0 L5 Ruby
    a (ridiculously) small and powerful web framework.
  • Howitzer

    3.6 2.0 L5 Ruby
    A Ruby-based framework for acceptance testing
  • Inesita

    3.4 3.6 L5 Ruby
    Frontend web application framework in Ruby using Opal.
  • PpSql

    3.1 0.0 Ruby
    Rails ActiveRecord SQL queries log beautifier
  • Pundit Matchers

    3.0 7.9 L5 Ruby
    A set of RSpec matchers for testing Pundit authorisation policies.
  • Emoji-RSpec

    2.7 0.0 L5 Ruby
    Custom Emoji Formatters for RSpec
  • Cutest

    2.7 0.0 L5 Ruby
    Isolated tests in Ruby.