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Scheduling gems

Showing projects tagged as Scheduling

  • Whenever

    9.6 4.1 L5 Ruby
    Cron jobs in Ruby
  • minicron

    7.9 1.9 Ruby
    DISCONTINUED. 🕰️ Monitor your cron jobs
  • rufus-scheduler

    7.9 5.2 L5 Ruby
    scheduler for Ruby (at, in, cron and every jobs)
  • resque-scheduler

    7.8 6.7 L4 Ruby
    A light-weight job scheduling system built on top of Resque
  • Sidekiq-Cron

    7.6 6.8 L4 Ruby
    Scheduler / Cron for Sidekiq jobs
  • sidekiq-scheduler

    7.3 5.6 Ruby
    Lightweight job scheduler extension for Sidekiq
  • Montrose

    5.3 6.7 L4 Ruby
    Recurring events library for Ruby. Enumerable recurrence objects and convenient chainable interface.
  • Clockwork

    4.7 0.0 Ruby
    A scheduler process to replace cron.
  • que-scheduler

    2.3 8.2 Ruby
    A lightweight cron scheduler for the async job worker Que
  • delayed_job_recurring

    2.3 0.0 Ruby
    Extends delayed_job to support recurring jobs
  • ruby-clock

    1.7 6.5 Ruby
    A ruby job scheduler which runs jobs each in their own thread in a persistent process.
  • Lusnoc

    0.9 1.7 Ruby
    [MIRROR] Lusnoc is reliable gem to deal with consul locks and sessions