

Tcl/Tk has evolved into a practical desktop GUI toolkit due to gaining truly native looking themed widgets on Mac, Windows, and Linux in Tk version 8.5.

Additionally, Ruby 3.0 Ractor (formerly known as Guilds) supports truly parallel multi-threading, making both MRI and Tk finally viable for support in Glimmer (Ruby Desktop Development GUI Library) as an alternative to JRuby on SWT.

The trade-off is that while SWT provides a plethora of high quality reusable widgets for the Enterprise (such as Nebula), Tk enables very fast app startup time and a small memory footprint via MRI Ruby.

Programming language: Ruby
License: MIT License
Tags: GUI     Bindings     Toolkit     Desktop     DSL    
Latest version: v0.0.7

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Glimmer DSL for Tk 0.0.7

MRI Ruby Desktop Development GUI Library

Gem Version Coverage Status Maintainability Join the chat at https://gitter.im/AndyObtiva/glimmer

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Glimmer DSL for Tk enables desktop development with Glimmer in Ruby.

Tcl/Tk has evolved into a practical desktop GUI toolkit due to gaining truly native looking themed widgets on Mac, Windows, and Linux in Tk version 8.5.

Additionally, Ruby 3.0 Ractor (formerly known as Guilds) supports truly parallel multi-threading, making both MRI and Tk finally viable for support in Glimmer (Ruby Desktop Development GUI Library) as an alternative to JRuby on SWT.

The trade-off is that while SWT provides a plethora of high quality reusable widgets for the Enterprise (such as Nebula), Tk enables very fast app startup time and a small memory footprint via MRI Ruby.

Glimmer aims to provide a DSL similar to the Glimmer DSL for SWT to enable more productive desktop development in Ruby with:

  • Declarative DSL syntax that visually maps to the GUI widget hierarchy
  • Convention over configuration via smart defaults and automation of low-level details
  • Requiring the least amount of syntax possible to build GUI
  • Bidirectional Data-Binding to declaratively wire and automatically synchronize GUI with Business Models
  • Custom Widget support
  • Scaffolding for new custom widgets, apps, and gems
  • Native-Executable packaging on Mac, Windows, and Linux

Hello, World!

Glimmer code (from [samples/hello/hello_world.rb](samples/hello/hello_world.rb)):

root {
  label {
    text 'Hello, World!'

Run (with the glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed):

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require '../samples/hello/hello_world.rb'"

Glimmer app:

[glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello world](images/glimmer-dsl-tk-screenshot-sample-hello-world.png)

NOTE: Glimmer DSL for Tk is in alpha mode. Please help make better by contributing, adopting for small or low risk projects, and providing feedback. It is still an early alpha, so the more feedback and issues you report the better.

Other Glimmer DSL gems:


For example, on the Mac, you can:

  • Install the ActiveTcl Mac package from [ActiveState.com](ActiveState.com)
  • Install RVM by running \curl -sSL https://get.rvm.io | bash -s stable (and run curl -sSL https://rvm.io/pkuczynski.asc | gpg --import - if needed for mentioned security reasons)
  • Run: rvm install 2.7.1 --enable-shared --enable-pthread --with-tk --with-tcl

Afterwards, if you open irb, you should be able to run require 'tk' successfully.


Option 1: Install

Run this command to install directly:

gem install glimmer-dsl-tk

Option 2: Bundler

Add the following to Gemfile:

gem 'glimmer-dsl-tk', '~> 0.0.7'

And, then run:


Girb (Glimmer IRB)

You can run the girb command (bin/girb if you cloned the project locally):


This gives you irb with the glimmer-dsl-tk gem loaded and the Glimmer module mixed into the main object for easy experimentation with GUI.

Tk Concepts

Here is a summary taken from the official Tk Concepts Tutorial

Tk Concepts consist of:

  • Widgets: Widgets are all the things that you see onscreen. In our example, we had a button, an entry, a few labels, and a frame. Others are things like checkboxes, tree views, scrollbars, text areas, and so on. Widgets are what are often referred to as "controls"; you'll also often see them referred to as "windows," particularly in Tk's documentation, a holdover from its X11 roots (so under that terminology, both a toplevel window and things like a button would be called windows).
  • Geometry Management: If you've been playing around creating widgets, you've probably noticed that just by creating them, they didn't end up showing up onscreen. Having things actually put in the onscreen window, and precisely where in the window they show up is a separate step called geometry management.
  • Event Handling: In Tk, as in most other user interface toolkits, there is an event loop which receives events from the operating system. These are things like button presses, keystrokes, mouse movement, window resizing, and so on.

Learn more at the official Tk Concepts Tutorial

Glimmer GUI DSL Concepts

The Glimmer GUI DSL provides a declarative syntax for Tk that:

  • Supports smart defaults (e.g. grid layout on most widgets)
  • Automates wiring of widgets (e.g. nesting a label under a toplevel root or adding a frame to a notebook)
  • Hides lower-level details (e.g. main loop is started automatically when opening a window)
  • Nests widgets according to their visual hierarchy
  • Requires the minimum amount of syntax needed to describe an app's GUI

The Glimmer GUI DSL follows these simple concepts in mapping from Tk syntax:

  • Widget Keyword: Any Tk widget (e.g. Tk::Tile::Label) or toplevel window (e.g. TkRoot) may be declared by its lower-case underscored name without the namespace (e.g. label or root). This is called a keyword and is represented in the Glimmer GUI DSL by a Ruby method behind the scenes.
  • Args: Any keyword method may optionally take arguments surrounded by parentheses (e.g. a frame nested under a notebook may receive tab options like frame(text: 'Users'), which gets used behind the scenes by Tk code such as notebook.add tab, text: 'Users')
  • Content/Options Block: Any keyword may optionally be followed by a Ruby curly-brace block containing nested widgets (content) and attributes (options). Attributes are simply Tk option keywords followed by arguments and no block (e.g. title 'Hello, World!' under a root)

Example of an app written in Tk imperative syntax:

root = TkRoot.new
root.title = 'Hello, Tab!'

notebook = ::Tk::Tile::Notebook.new(root).grid

tab1 = ::Tk::Tile::Frame.new(notebook).grid
notebook.add tab1, text: 'English'
label1 = ::Tk::Tile::Label.new(tab1).grid
label1.text = 'Hello, World!'

tab2 = ::Tk::Tile::Frame.new(notebook).grid
notebook.add tab2, text: 'French'
label2 = ::Tk::Tile::Label.new(tab2).grid
label2.text = 'Bonjour, Univers!'


Example of the same app written in Glimmer declarative syntax:

root {
  title 'Hello, Tab!'

  notebook {
    frame(text: 'English') {
      label {
        text 'Hello, World!'

    frame(text: 'French') {
      label {
        text 'Bonjour, Univers!'

The Grid Geometry Manager

The Grid Geometry Manager is supported via the grid keyword just as per the Tk documentation, except by nesting under the widget it concerns.


        label {
          grid column: 0, row: 2, sticky: 'w'
          text 'Year of Birth: '
        entry {
          grid column: 1, row: 2
          width 15
          text bind(@contact, :year_of_birth)

More details can be found in the Hello, Computed! sample below.

Bidirectional Data-Binding

Glimmer supports bidirectional data-binding via the bind keyword, which takes a model and an attribute.

Combo Data-Binding


This assumes a Person model with a country attribute representing their current country and a country_options attribute representing available options for the country attribute.

  combobox {
    state 'readonly'
    text bind(person, :country)

That code sets the values of the combobox to the country_options property on the person model (data-binding attribute + "_options" by convention). It also binds the text selection of the combobox to the country property on the person model.

It automatically handles all the Tk plumbing behind the scenes, such as using TkVariable and setting combobox values from person.country_options by convention (attribute_name + "_options").

More details can be found in the Hello, Combo! sample below.

List Single Selection Data-Binding

Tk does not support a native themed listbox, so Glimmer implements its own list widget on top of Tk::Tile::Treeview. It is set to single selection via selectmode 'browse'.


This assumes a Person model with a country attribute representing their current country and a country_options attribute representing available options for the country attribute.

  list {
    selectmode 'browse'
    text bind(person, :country)

That code binds the items text of the list to the country_options property on the person model (data-binding attribute + "_options" by convention). It also binds the selection text of the list to the country property on the person model.

It automatically handles all the Tk plumbing behind the scenes.

More details can be found in the Hello, List Single Selection! sample below.

List Multi Selection Data-Binding

Tk does not support a native themed listbox, so Glimmer implements its own list widget on top of Tk::Tile::Treeview. It is set to multi selection by default.


This assumes a Person model with a provinces attribute representing their current country and a provinces_options attribute representing available options for the provinces attribute.

  list {
    text bind(person, :provinces)

That code binds the items text of the list to the provinces_options property on the person model (data-binding attribute + "_options" by convention). It also binds the selection text of the list to the provinces property on the person model.

It automatically handles all the Tk plumbing behind the scenes.

More details can be found in the Hello, List Multi Selection! sample below.

Label Data-Binding


This assumes a Person model with a country attribute.

  label {
    text bind(person, :country)

That code binds the textvariable value of the label to the country property on the person model.

It automatically handles all the Tk plumbing behind the scenes.

More details can be found in the Hello, Computed! sample below.

Entry Data-Binding


This assumes a Person model with a country attribute.

  entry {
    text bind(person, :country)

That code binds the textvariable value of the entry to the country property on the person model.

It automatically handles all the Tk plumbing behind the scenes.

More details can be found in the Hello, Computed! sample below.

Command Observer

Buttons can set a command option to trigger when the user clicks the button. This may be done with the command keyword, passing in a block directly (no need for proc as per Tk)


  button {
    text "Reset Selection"
    command {

This resets the person country.

More details can be found in the Hello, Combo! sample below.


Hello, World!

Glimmer code (from [samples/hello/hello_world.rb](samples/hello/hello_world.rb)):

include Glimmer

root {
  label {
    text 'Hello, World!'

Run (with the glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed):

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require '../samples/hello/hello_world.rb'"

Glimmer app:

[glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello world](images/glimmer-dsl-tk-screenshot-sample-hello-world.png)

Hello, Tab!

Glimmer code (from [samples/hello/hello_tab.rb](samples/hello/hello_tab.rb)):

include Glimmer

root {
  title 'Hello, Tab!'

  notebook {
    frame(text: 'English') {
      label {
        text 'Hello, World!'

    frame(text: 'French') {
      label {
        text 'Bonjour, Univers!'

Run (with the glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed):

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require '../samples/hello/hello_tab.rb'"

Glimmer app:

[glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello tab English](images/glimmer-dsl-tk-screenshot-sample-hello-tab-english.png) [glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello tab French](images/glimmer-dsl-tk-screenshot-sample-hello-tab-french.png)

Hello, Combo!

Glimmer code (from [samples/hello/hello_combo.rb](samples/hello/hello_combo.rb)):

# ... more code precedes
root {
  title 'Hello, Combo!'

  combobox { |proxy|
    state 'readonly'
    text bind(person, :country)

  button { |proxy|
    text "Reset Selection"
    command {
# ... more code follows

Run (with the glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed):

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require '../samples/hello/hello_combo.rb'"

Glimmer app:

[glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello combo](images/glimmer-dsl-tk-screenshot-sample-hello-combo.png) [glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello combo dropdown](images/glimmer-dsl-tk-screenshot-sample-hello-combo-dropdown.png)

Hello, List Single Selection!

Glimmer code (from [samples/hello/hello_list_single_selection.rb](samples/hello/hello_list_single_selection.rb)):

# ... more code precedes
root {
  title 'Hello, List Single Selection!'

  list {
    selectmode 'browse'
    selection bind(person, :country)

  button {
    text "Reset Selection To Default Value"

    command { person.reset_country }
# ... more code follows

Run (with the glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed):

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require '../samples/hello/hello_list_single_selection.rb'"

Glimmer app:

[glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello list single selection](images/glimmer-dsl-tk-screenshot-sample-hello-list-single-selection.png)

Hello, List Multi Selection!

Glimmer code (from [samples/hello/hello_list_multi_selection.rb](samples/hello/hello_list_multi_selection.rb)):

# ... more code precedes
root {
  title 'Hello, List Multi Selection!'

  list {
    selection bind(person, :provinces)

  button {
    text "Reset Selection To Defaults"

    command { person.reset_provinces }
# ... more code follows

Run (with the glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed):

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require '../samples/hello/hello_list_multi_selection.rb'"

Glimmer app:

[glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello list multi selection](images/glimmer-dsl-tk-screenshot-sample-hello-list-multi-selection.png)

Hello, Computed!

Glimmer code (from [samples/hello/hello_computed.rb](samples/hello/hello_computed.rb)):

# ... more code precedes
    root {
      title 'Hello, Computed!'

      frame {
        grid column: 0, row: 0, padx: 5, pady: 5

        label {
          grid column: 0, row: 0, sticky: 'w'
          text 'First Name: '
        entry {
          grid column: 1, row: 0
          width 15
          text bind(@contact, :first_name)

        label {
          grid column: 0, row: 1, sticky: 'w'
          text 'Last Name: '
        entry {
          grid column: 1, row: 1
          width 15
          text bind(@contact, :last_name)

        label {
          grid column: 0, row: 2, sticky: 'w'
          text 'Year of Birth: '
        entry {
          grid column: 1, row: 2
          width 15
          text bind(@contact, :year_of_birth)

        label {
          grid column: 0, row: 3, sticky: 'w'
          text 'Name: '
        label {
          grid column: 1, row: 3, sticky: 'w'
          text bind(@contact, :name, computed_by: [:first_name, :last_name])

        label {
          grid column: 0, row: 4, sticky: 'w'
          text 'Age: '
        label {
          grid column: 1, row: 4, sticky: 'w'
          text bind(@contact, :age, on_write: :to_i, computed_by: [:year_of_birth])
# ... more code follows

Run (with the glimmer-dsl-tk gem installed):

ruby -r glimmer-dsl-tk -e "require '../samples/hello/hello_computed.rb'"

Glimmer app:

[glimmer dsl tk screenshot sample hello computed](images/glimmer-dsl-tk-screenshot-sample-hello-computed.png)



You may submit issues on GitHub.

Click here to submit an issue.


If you need live help, try to Join the chat at https://gitter.im/AndyObtiva/glimmer


Glimmer Process

Planned Features and Feature Suggestions

These features have been planned or suggested. You might see them in a future version of Glimmer DSL for Tk. You are welcome to contribute more feature suggestions.


Change Log





Click here to view contributor commits.



Copyright (c) 2020-2021 - Andy Maleh.


Built for Glimmer (DSL Framework).

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Glimmer DSL for Tk README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.