Hanami v2.0.0.alpha2 Release Notes

Release Date: 2021-05-04 // almost 3 years ago
  • ➕ Added

    • 💎 [Luca Guidi] Official support for Ruby: MRI 3.0
    • [Tim Riley] Code autoloading via Zeitwerk
    • 🔧 [Tim Riley] Hanami::Application subclasses generate and configure a Dry::System::Container, accessible via .container and AppNamespace::Container, with several common container methods available directly via the application subclass (e.g. Bookshelf::Application["foo"] or Hanami.application["foo"])
    • [Tim Riley] Introduced Hanami::Application.register_bootable to register custom components
    • [Tim Riley] Introduced Hanami::Application.keys to get the list of resolved components
    • [Tim Riley] Dynamically create an auto-injection mixin (e.g. Bookshelf::Deps)

      # frozen_string_literal: true
      module Bookshelf
        class CreateThing
          include Deps[service_client: "some_service.client"]
          def call(attrs)
            # Validate attrs, etc.
    • [Tim Riley] Introduced application settings. They are accessible via Hanami.application.settings in config/settings.rb

    • 💎 [Tim Riley] Introduced application slices to organise high-level application concerns. Slices are generated based on subdirectories of slices/, and map onto corresponding ruby module namespaces, e.g. slices/main -> Main, with the slice instance itself being Main::Slice (as well as being accessible via Hanami.application.slices[:main])

    • 🔧 [Tim Riley] Each slice generates and configures has its own Dry::System::Container, accessible via the slice instance (e.g. Main::Slice.container) as well as via its own constant (e.g. Main::Container)

    • [Tim Riley] Slice containers automatically import the application container, under the "application" namespace

    • [Tim Riley] Allow slice containers to be imported by other slice containers

    🔄 Changed

    • 💎 [Luca Guidi] Drop support for Ruby: MRI 2.5
    • 🚚 [Tim Riley] Removed config.cookies in favor of config.actions.cookies
    • 🚚 [Tim Riley] Removed config.sessions in favor of config.actions.sessions
    • 🔒 [Tim Riley] Removed config.security settings