Logidze v0.7.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2018-08-29 // over 5 years ago
    • 🛠 [Fixes #75] Fix association versioning with an optional belongs to ([@ankursethi-uscis][])

    • [PR #79] Allow adding meta information to versions using with_meta (addressed Issue [#60]). ([@DmitryTsepelev][])


    Logidze.with_meta(ip: request.ip) { post.save }
    puts post.meta # => { 'ip' => '' }

    ⬆️ How to upgrade.

    ⚡️ Please run rails generate logidze:install --update to regenerate stored functions.

    This feature replaces the implementation of with_responsible, now responsible_id is stored inside of the meta hash with the key _r.

    There is fallback to the old data structure ({ 'r' => 42 } opposed to { 'm' => { '_r' => 42 } } in the current implementation), so responsible_id should work as usual for the existing data.

    If you've accessed the value manually (e.g. post.log_data.current_version.data['r']), you'll have to add the fallback too.