MongoMapper v0.11.1 Release Notes

Release Date: 2012-03-30 // about 12 years ago
  • ✨ Enhancements:

    * Add ActiveRecord-style #touch to documents and associations
    * Add options to atomic modifiers that are passed to the driver
        Page.increment({:title => "Hello World"}, {:comment_count => 1}, {:upsert => true})

    🐛 Bug Fixes:

    * Stop raising error if MongoMapper.database is nil
    * Delegate :distinct, :size, :reverse, :offset, :order, :empty?, :filter,
      :find_one, :per_page, :ignore, :only, and :to_a on Document to query
    * Fix for EmbeddedDocument#inspect [#373]
    * Ensure milliseconds are preserved with time values [#308]
    * Allow MongoMapper.setup to accept a symbol for the environment name