MongoMapper v0.13.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2014-05-01 // almost 10 years ago
  • ✨ Enhancements:

    * Rails 4 support! [cheald]
    * Added error message: can't mass assign protected attribute [[email protected]]
    * Add Integer#from_mongo. [cheald][#533]
    * Normalize IDs passed to #find!, so that it may accept an unsplatted array of IDs, just like #find. [cheald][#468][#469].
    * Performance Improvements to: typecasting, identity map, etc. (see a60b04c) [cheald]
    * Upgrade safe semantics to be consistent with the new MongoClient safe semantics (:safe => true is now on by default) [cheald]
    * Various performance fixes mostly related to avoid extraneous method invocation [cheald]
    * Optimization: use key? [jnunemaker]
    * Added SSL connection support [[email protected]]
    * Add automatic id generation when not set (for instance, when calling clone). [[email protected]]

    🐛 Bug Fixes:

    * validatior#setup is deprecated in activemodel 4.1 [fcheung]
    * Only add the _type key to inherited classes when they have the same collection as their parent. Classes with a different collection name don't need the SCI keys. [cheald]
    * remove the _type key when SCI is turned off with set_collection_name. Add specs to cover it. [cheald]
    * Key serialization mutates model state when using key Array with option typecast [Oktavilla]
    * Be more clear when specifying which version of JRuby mongo_mapper is tested against [[email protected]]
    * Fix db:drop to match everything but system exactly [banyan]
    * Fix rescue responses for rails 3.0 and 3.1 [leifrc]
    * Use ruby 1.8 syntax for hashes [[email protected]]
    * Cast data with loaded from an embedded proxy, as embedded proxies may receive their values from uncast sources. [cheald][#536]
    * Permit suppression of accessor methods via the :accessors option to #key. [cheald][#535]
    * Guard against failures when the keys are read or written during a hijacked #initialize before we've gotten to run our own #initialize. [pluginaweek][#531]
    * When performing Time#to_mongo, round times off to milliseconds and discard microseconds. [cheald][#455]
    * Permit the use of #insert and #update in addition to #save, so that we can catch and raise errors in safe mode. [cheald][#398].
    * Add critera_hash when single collection inherited. [cheald][#454]
    * Fix issues with set_collection_name nullifying SCI on 1.8 [cheald]
    * Disable SCI when an inherited model explicitly changes its collection. Closes [cheald][#396]
    * Validate key names. Explicitly disallow keys named `id` since they aren't reachable via plucky due to key normalization. Validate key names via regex. [cheald][#399].
    * Don't attempt to create a connection when inheriting classes if one does not already exist. [cheald][#460]
    * Accept blocks passed to new/build/create/create! on documents and associations. [cheald][#352]
    * Compact before setting embedded docs on a many association. [cheald][#288]
    * Limit subclass scopes to subclasses. [cheald][#512]
    * Update bundler and fix mocha dependency [josevalim]
    * Fix Ruby 2.0 breakage caused by behavior changes to #respond_to? [cheald][#473]
    * Don't iterate the whole cursor twice when using IdentityMap with #all. Improve performance by avoiding explicit block bindings, extraneous method calls, and extraneous array creation. [cheald]
    * Provide a fix for many associations not yielding to each in callbacks. [jnunemaker]
    * Support non-ObjectID ids being given to modifiers. [jnunemaker]
    * Inherit connection and database name. Subclasses were not getting these before. Only collection name was inherited. [jnunemaker][#420][#424]


    * Update travis to test on 2.1.1 [leifcr]
    * Do not mutate model values using key with typecast [[email protected]]
    * Setting a key using send should return the new value [tjwp-yesware]
    * docs fixes [KristineHines, lucianosousa]
    * Lock timecop to 0.6.1 for Ruby 1.8.7 support [cheald]
    * Bump plucky requirement to 0.6.5 [cheald]
    * Add #dynamic_keys and #defined_keys to let developers distinguish defined schema from derived schema. Use a less clever idiom for 1.8-compatible hash filtering. [cheald]
    * Add key aliasing [cheald]
    * mongo driver requires that read preference to be type of symbol [[email protected]]
    * changed deleted cursor.next_object method to [jamesbowles]
    * Use ||= idiom [[email protected]]
    * Update to latest plucky. [nunemaker]
    * Added record_timestamps class var to the timestamps plugin [[email protected]]
    * reverse_merge! -> reverse_merge [nviennot]
    * Some source files were executable [[email protected]]
    * Fix legacy mongo class names, that are in deprecation as of 1.8.0. [archSeer]
    * move delete and destroy methods to Querying::Decorator [[email protected]]
    * Improvements to key methods (see 942003cca2)[cheald]
    * Fix travis suport [[email protected]]