Montrose v0.7.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2017-09-18 // over 6 years ago
    • ✨ enhancements

      • Adds the :exclude_end option can be used to determine whether :until value is included in the recurrence. Mimics the API to Ruby's Range.
      • Support activesupport-5.1 (by @fauxparse)
      • Support ruby-2.4
    • 🐛 bug fixes

      • Recurrence#to_json accepts arguments for JSON.dump
    • 💥 breaking changes

      • Previously, the :between option served as a shorthand for :starts to :until. Now, when both :starts and :between are provided, the recurrence will behave as if anchored by the given :starts option, but filtered through the given :between option.
      • The :exclude_end option changes the default behavior of :until--when the timestamp of the interval matches the :until timestamp, it will be included 0️⃣ by default unless the :exclude_end option is set to true.