moped v1.2.8 Release Notes

  • Resolved Issues

    • #108 Connection drops that would result in a nil response on socket read or a SocketError now re-raise a ConnectionFailure error which causes the replica set to go through it's failover behavor with node refreshing.

    • #104 Query#explain now respects limit.

    • 0️⃣ #103 Port defaults to 27017 instead of zero if not provided. (Chris Winslett)

    • 💎 #100 Fix duplicate object id potential issue for JRuby. (Tim Olsen)

    • #97 Propagate node options to newly discovered nodes. (Adam Lebsack)

    • #91 Added more graceful replica set handling when safe mode is enabled and replica sets were reconfigured. (Nicolas Viennot)

    • #90 Include arbiters in the list of nodes to disconnect. (Matt Parlane)