Pliny helps Ruby developers write and maintain excellent APIs.
It bundles the best patterns, libraries and practices we've seen after writing a lot of APIs.
Pliny alternatives and similar gems
Based on the "API Builder" category.
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Her is an ORM (Object Relational Mapper) that maps REST resources to Ruby objects. It is designed to build applications that are powered by a RESTful API instead of a database. -
Praxis is a framework that focuses on both the design and implementation aspects of creating APIs. -
Yet Another Serialization Library - A pure Ruby auto-serialization library that works across different Ruby implementations like Opal and JRuby as an automatic alternative to YAML/Marshal. Unlike Marshal, it does not raise errors for unserializable objects, thus provides a highly productive friction-free auto-serialization experience.
Scout Monitoring - Performance metrics and, now, Logs Management Monitoring with Scout Monitoring
* Code Quality Rankings and insights are calculated and provided by Lumnify.
They vary from L1 to L5 with "L5" being the highest.
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Pliny helps Ruby developers write and maintain excellent APIs.
It bundles the best patterns, libraries and practices we've seen after writing a lot of APIs.
Getting started
Install gem:
$ gem install pliny
And initialize your new API app:
$ pliny-new myapp
$ cd myapp && bin/setup
Pliny bundles generators to help you get started:
$ bundle exec pliny-generate model artist
created model file ./lib/models/artist.rb
created migration ./db/migrate/1408995997_create_artists.rb
created test ./spec/models/artist_spec.rb
$ bundle exec pliny-generate mediator artists/creator
created mediator file ./lib/mediators/artists/creator.rb
created test ./spec/mediators/artists/creator_spec.rb
$ bundle exec pliny-generate endpoint artists
created endpoint file ./lib/endpoints/artists.rb
add the following to lib/routes.rb:
mount Endpoints::Artists
created test ./spec/endpoints/artists_spec.rb
created test ./spec/acceptance/artists_spec.rb
$ bundle exec pliny-generate migration fix_something
created migration ./db/migrate/1395873228_fix_something.rb
$ bundle exec pliny-generate schema artists
created schema file ./schema/schemata/artist.yaml
rebuilt ./schema/schema.json
To test your application:
$ bundle exec rake
Or to run a single test suite:
$ bundle exec rspec spec/acceptance/artists_spec.rb
$ bundle exec pliny-generate
pliny-generate endpoint NAME # Generates an endpoint
pliny-generate help [COMMAND] # Describe available commands or one specific command
pliny-generate mediator NAME # Generates a mediator
pliny-generate migration NAME # Generates a migration
pliny-generate model NAME # Generates a model
pliny-generate scaffold NAME # Generates a scaffold of endpoint, model, schema and serializer
pliny-generate schema NAME # Generates a schema
pliny-generate serializer NAME # Generates a serializer
Rake tasks
Pliny adds common Rake tasks to help maintain your app:
rake db:create # Create the database
rake db:drop # Drop the database
rake db:migrate # Run database migrations
rake db:rollback # Rollback last database migration
rake db:schema:dump # Dump the database schema
rake db:schema:load # Load the database schema
rake db:schema:merge # Merges migrations into schema and removes them
rake db:seed # Seed the database with data
rake db:setup # Setup the database
rake schema # Rebuild schema.json
And provides the following commands:
$ foreman start # Starts server
$ foreman run bin/console # IRB/Pry console
$ foreman run bin/run 'puts "hello world"' # Run automated code
(hint: don't forget foreman run
in development)
Use pliny-update
to update the Pliny app in the current directory.
This not only bumps the version dependency, but also applies any changes that happened in the template app (for instance: new initializer, tweaks in the base endpoint, etc).
Run tests:
$ bundle install
$ createdb pliny-gem-test
$ rake
Created by Brandur Leach and Pedro Belo.
MIT licensed.
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the Pliny README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.