Praxis v0.18.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2015-09-18 // over 8 years ago
    • ➕ Added display_name DSL to ResourceDefinition and MediaType
      • It is a purely informational field, mostly to be used by consumers of the generated docs
      • It defaults to the class name (stripping any of the prefix modules)
    • Revamped document generation to output a more compact format:
      • 1 file per api version: including info, resources, schemas and traits.
      • 1 single index file with global info plus just a list of version names
      • new task currently usable through bundle exec rake praxis:docs:generate_beta
        • NOTE: leaves the current doc generation tasks and code intact (until the doc browser is switched to use this)
    • Specialized Multipart’s family in its description to be ‘multipart’ instead of ‘hash’.
    • ➕ Added Praxis::Handlers::FormData for 'multipart/form-data'. Currently returns the input unchanged in parse and generate.
    • ➕ Added Praxis::Handlers::WWWForm for form-encoded data.
    • Added Docs::Generator, experimental new documentation generator. Use the praxis:docs:experiments rake task to generate. Note: not currently compatible with the documentation browser.
    • ➕ Added 'praxis.request_stage.execute' ActiveSupport::Notifications instrumentation to contorller action method execution in RequestStages::Action#execute.
    • 🛰 Make action headers, params and payloads be required by default as it is probably what most people expect from it. To make any of those three definitions non-required, simply add the :required option as used in any other attribute definition. For example: payload required: false do ...