All Versions
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Avg Release Cycle
40 days
Latest Release
2552 days ago
Changelog History
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Changelog History
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v0.9.2 Changes
August 08, 2016- The markdown field is now a markdown editor powered by Codemirror
- 🛠 Fixed bug causing markdown field on presenter to return static content
- 🛠 Fixed issue with HAML causing whitespace to be inserted in markdown field
v0.9.1 Changes
August 02, 2016- 🛠 Fixed strong params bug, preventing nodes from being updated in Rails 4.2.x.
v0.9.0 Changes
July 28, 2016- 🔖 Version 0.9.0 is Rails 5 compatible (and still 4.2+).
- 👍 Much better syntax highlighting in the WYSIWYG code view
- 🛠 Fixed issue where WYSIWYG toolbar option resulted in incorrect toolbar
- 🛠 Fixed issue where native confirm boxes were used instead of Reveal modals
v0.8.2 Changes
June 15, 2016- ⬆️ Upgraded Froala editor to resolve toolbar glitch bug in Chrome
- 🛠 Fixed Foundation and Vue initialization bug
v0.8.1 Changes
March 31, 2016- 🛠 Fixed issue where multiple WYSIWYGs resulted in incorrect toolbar being used
v0.8.0 Changes
March 31, 2016- 🍱 Major rewrite of the admin front end assets, replacing AngularJS with Vue.js
- 🆕 New custom Froala editor plugin, integrating with media library
- 🔨 Refactored WYSIWYG field as part of admin gem (instead of own gem)
- ⬆️ Upgraded to latest Froala editor version
- 🗄 Taxonomies have been deprecated (they will return one day)
v0.7.0 Changes
January 22, 2016- New Boolean field type
- Matrix fields can now accept structure as class option
- Matrix fields can now accept a display option
- 👍 Allow relation fields to accept scopes as options for more flexible querying
- Matrix and repeater fields now reject blank structures
- 🛠 Fixed bug where asset field displaying incorrect file size
- ⬆️ ClosureTree dependencu upgraded to avoid hash_tree bug
v0.6.0 Changes
November 18, 2015- 🔨 Major refactor and improvement of
code - Repeater and Matrix fields completely rewritten from scratch
- All other fields types are now allowed within Repeater, Matrix and Structure fields
- 🆕 New Structure classes allow building of more complex field types
- 🔨 Major refactor and improvement of
v0.5.3 Changes
September 28, 2015- 🛠 Fixed bug where select fields were not properly selected.
v0.5.2 Changes
August 24, 2015- 📱 Use Foundation top-bar in header for built in responsiveness and ability for drop down navs.
- ✅ Test suite swicthed over to minitest-spec-rails
- ➕ Added support for ActiveSupport load hooks
- 🛠 Fixed code reloading issue in development environment
- ⚡️ All dependencies updated