Ruby on Rails v6.0.2 Release Notes

Release Date: 2019-12-13 // over 4 years ago
  • 👍 Active Support

    🌐 Eager load translations during initialization.

    Diego Plentz

    👉 Use per-thread CPU time clock on ActiveSupport::Notifications.

    George Claghorn

    Active Model

    • No changes.

    Active Record

    Share the same connection pool for primary and replica databases in the
    ✅ transactional tests for the same database.

    Edouard Chin

    🛠 Fix the preloader when one record is fetched using after_initialize
    but not the entire collection.

    Bradley Price

    🛠 Fix collection callbacks not terminating when :abort is thrown.

    Edouard Chin, Ryuta Kamizono

    🗄 Correctly deprecate where.not working as NOR for relations.

    🗄 12a9664 deprecated where.not working as NOR, however
    doing a relation query like where.not(relation: { ... })
    🗄 wouldn't be properly deprecated and where.not would work as
    NAND instead.

    Edouard Chin

    🛠 Fix db:migrate task with multiple databases to restore the connection
    to the previous database.

    The migrate task iterates and establish a connection over each db
    resulting in the last one to be used by subsequent rake tasks.
    We should reestablish a connection to the connection that was
    established before the migrate tasks was run

    Edouard Chin

    🛠 Fix multi-threaded issue for AcceptanceValidator.

    Ryuta Kamizono

    Action View

    • No changes.

    Action Pack

    👍 Allow using mountable engine route helpers in System Tests.

    Chalo Fernandez

    👷 Active Job

    👍 Allow Sidekiq access to the underlying job class.

    👷 By having access to the Active Job class, Sidekiq can get access to any sidekiq_options which
    👷 have been set on that Active Job type and serialize those options into Redis.

    Mike Perham

    Action Mailer

    🛠 Fix ActionMailer assertions don't work for parameterized mail with legacy delivery job.


    Action Cable

    • No changes.

    Active Storage

    • No changes.

    Action Mailbox

    • No changes.

    Action Text

    • No changes.


    🛠 Fix the collision check for the scaffold generator.

    Ryan Robeson