Redcarpet v3.2.0 Release Notes

    • โž• Add a Safe renderer to deal with users' input. The escape_html and safe_links_only options are turned on by default.

    Moreover, the block_code callback removes the tag's class since the user can basically set anything with the vanilla one.

    Robin Dupret

    • HTML5 block-level tags are now recognized


    • The StripDown render object now displays the URL of links along with the text.

    Robin Dupret

    • ๐Ÿ—„ The RedCloth API compatibility layer is now deprecated.

    Robin Dupret

    • A hyphen and an equal should not be converted to heading.


    • ๐Ÿ›  Fix emphasis character escape sequence detection while mid-emphasis.


    • โž• Add = to the whitelist of escaped chars so it can be used inside highlighted snippets.


    • Convert trailing single quotes to curly quotes. For example, Road Trippin' now converts to Road Trippinโ€™.

    Kevin Chen

    • ๐Ÿ”— Allow in-page links (e.g. [headline](#headline)) when :safe_links_only is set.


    • Enable emphasis inside of sentences in multi-byte languages when :no_intra_emphasis is set.

    Chun-wei Kuo

    • Avoid making :no_intra_emphasis only match spaces. This allows using emphasizes inside quotes when the option is enabled for instance.

    Jason Webb and BJ Homer

    • The StripDown renderer handles image tags now.