Reform v0.2.0 Release Notes

    • Added nested property and collection for has_one and has_many relationships. . Note that this currently works only 1-level deep.
    • ๐Ÿ—„ Renamed Reform::Form::DSL to Reform::Form::Composition and deprecated DSL.
    • ๐Ÿš… require 'reform' now automatically requires Rails stuff in a Rails environment. Mainly, this is the FormBuilder compatibility layer that is injected into Form. If you don't want that, only require 'reform/form'.
    • Composition now totally optional
    • now accepts one argument, only: the model/composition. If you want to create your own representer, inject it by overriding Form#mapper. Note that this won't create property accessors for you.
    • Form::ActiveModel no longer creates accessors to your represented models, e.g. having property :title, on: :song doesn't allow anymore. This is because the actual model and the form's state might differ, so please use form.title directly.