New Relic v3.5.5 Release Notes

    • Add thread profiling support

      Thread profiling performs statistical sampling of backtraces of all threads within your Ruby processes. This feature requires MRI >= 1.9.2, and is controlled via the New Relic web UI. JRuby support (in 1.9.x compat mode) is considered experimental, due to issues with JRuby's Thread#backtrace.

    • Add audit logging capability

      The agent can now log all of the data it sends to the New Relic servers to a special log file for human inspection. This feature is off by default, and can be enabled by setting the audit_log.enabled configuration key to true. You may also control the location of the audit log with the audit_log.path key.

    • Use config system for dispatcher, framework, and config file detection

      Several aspects of the agent's configuration were not being handled by the configuration system. Detection/configuration of the dispatcher (e.g. passenger, unicorn, resque), framework (e.g. rails3, sinatra), and newrelic.yml location are now handled via the Agent environment, manual, and default configuration sources.

    • Updates to logging across the agent

      We've carefully reviewed the logging messages that the agent outputs, adding details in some cases, and removing unnecessary clutter. We've also altered the startup sequence to ensure that we don't spam STDOUT with messages during initialization.

    • Fix passing environment to manual_start()

      Thanks to Justin Hannus. The :env key, when passed to Agent.manual_start, can again be used to specify which section of newrelic.yml is loaded.

    • Rails 4 support

      This release includes preliminary support for Rails 4 as of 4.0.0.beta. Rails 4 is still in development, but the agent should work as expected for people who are experimenting with the beta.