New Relic v3.9.4 Release Notes

    • Allow agent to use alternate certificate stores

    When connecting via SSL to New Relic services, the Ruby agent verifies its connection via a certificate bundle shipped with the agent. This had problems with certain proxy configurations, so the ca_bundle_path setting in newrelic.yml can now override where the agent locates the cert bundle to use.

    For more information see the documentation at:

    • Rails 4.2 beta in tests

    Although still in beta, a new version of Rails is on its way! We're already running our automated test suites against the beta to ensure New Relic is ready the day the next Rails is released.

    • ActiveRecord 4 cached queries fix

    Queries that were hitting in the ActiveRecord 4.x query cache were incorrectly being counted as database time by the agent.

    • Fix for error in newrelic.yml loading

    If your application ran with a RAILS_ENV that was not listed in newrelic.yml recent agent versions would give a NameError rather than a helpful message. This has been fixed. Thanks Oleksiy Kovyrin for the patch!