Rubber v1.8.0 Release Notes

  • Regenerate gemspec for version 1.8.0 [Kevin Menard] ⬆️ Bumped the version of Passenger to 3.0.1. [Kevin Menard] ⬆️ Bumped the version of RVM. [Kevin Menard] 🔀 Merge branch 'tags_support' [Kevin Menard] ⚡️ Handle Amazon being slow to update. [Kevin Menard] ➕ Added a comment to help people that change their ServerName from the default. [Kevin Menard] 📦 We need this perl package for the postgres munin plugins. [Kevin Menard] 👍 We need a newer amazon-ec2 for tags support. [Kevin Menard] ➕ Added support for creating and updating tags on EC2 instances. [Kevin Menard] 🔀 Merge branch 'master' of [Kevin Menard] 🛠 Fixed issue with RVM, ruby 1.9.2, and passenger munin plugins. [Kevin Menard] Set up munin for PostgreSQL. [Kevin Menard] 🛠 Fixes for raiding ephemeral drives [Matt Conway] Watch attachment status for more reliable ebs mounts [Matt Conway] ⚡️ Updated config for PostgreSQL 9. [Kevin Menard] Don't show Passenger 3 friendly error pages in production. [Kevin Menard] ⚡️ Updated config for redis 2.0. [Kevin Menard] 👌 Support installation of redis 2.0. [Kevin Menard] 🔀 Merge branch 'master' of [Kevin Menard] 🛠 Fixed bug with RVM ruby location and updated to the latest version. [Kevin Menard] 👌 Improved passenger 3 setup. [Kevin Menard] 🔄 Changes passenger generator to use version 3.0.0 and removes deprecated option. [Kristopher Murata] Skipping SSL certificate check on wget to github due to wget bug. More info: [caike souza] 🔀 Merge branch 'master' of [Matt Conway] 👍 allow rubber:config in test as well as dev [Matt Conway]