Ruby/Progressbar v1.3.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2013-12-15 // over 10 years ago
    • Remove the 'Road Map' section in the README
    • Add notes to the README about non-TTY output
    • Add notes to the CHANGELOG
    • Give the bar the option of whether or not to automatically start or if #start has to be explicitly called
    • Default to a non-TTY-safe format if there is no TTY support when outputting the bar
    • Do not output the bar multiple times if #resume is called when the bar is already started
    • Do not output the bar multiple times if #stop is called when the bar is already stopped
    • Do not output multiple bars if #finish is called multiple times
    • Change progressbar variables in specs to be let's instead
    • Change output variables in specs to be let's instead
    • Update Gemfile.lock to use HTTPS for Rubygems
    • Add Ruby 2.0.0 to the README as a supported Ruby version
    • Test with Ruby 2.0.0 on Travis CI
    • Use HTTPS RubyGems source
    • Added an option to set the :remainder_mark (along the lines of :progress_mark) that allows the user to set the character used to represent the remaining progress to be made along the bar.
    • Add specs for the ANSI color code length calculation
    • Name the regex for the ANSI SGR codes so that it's more clear what we're doing
    • Remove comment
    • allows to inclue ANSI SGR codes into molecules, preserving the printable length
    • Switch from using 'git ls-files' to Ruby Dir globbing - Closes #54