Scorched v0.15 Release Notes

    • Route DSL methods (route, get, post, ...) now accept an array of patterns as the pattern argument. Each pattern is defined as a separate mapping, sharing the same target proc. This provides a cleaner and more efficient solution to simply wrapping a route definition within a loop.
    • 👻 URI unescaping has been implemented for Scorched::Request#unmatched_path. This modification directly affects route matching. Previously, routes were matched against the escaped path, e.g. /this%20has%20spaces. Routes are now matched against the unescaped form /this has spaces. The only exception is the escaped forward-slash %2F and percent sign %25 which remain unaltered for the fact their unescaped form as special meaning which you wouldn't be able to disambiguate. It's however safe to unescape the path a second time to resolve these characters.