Sequel v5.36.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2020-09-01 // over 3 years ago
    • Handle passing keyword arguments through class methods defined via Plugins.def_dataset_method on Ruby 2.7+ (jeremyevans)

    • 🔌 Handle passing keyword arguments through when loading plugins on Ruby 2.7+ (jeremyevans)

    • 💎 Handle passing keyword arguments through migrations when defining custom Database methods that accept keywords on Ruby 2.7+ (jeremyevans)

    • 💎 Handle passing keyword arguments through Dataset#query when using the query extension on Ruby 2.7+ (jeremyevans)

    • 🔌 Handle passing keyword arguments through the association proxy when using the association_proxies plugin on Ruby 2.7+ (jeremyevans)

    • 💎 Handle passing keyword arguments through the class method to a method defined in dataset_module on Ruby 2.7+ (adam12) (#1713)

    • 🐎 Stream result sets in the odbc adapter for better performance and lower memory usage (sparrovv) (#1711)

    • Add Postgres::JSONBOp#set_lax and #path_*_tz methods to the pg_json_ops extension for new jsonb functions added in PostgreSQL 13 (jeremyevans)

    • ➕ Add Dataset#with_ties on PostgreSQL 13+ and Microsoft SQL Server to include rows with same order as final row (jeremyevans)

    • Add a :current_schema option to Database#view_exists? (only defined on Oracle) to look in the current schema instead of non-system schemas (jeremyevans) (#1710)

    • Recognize another disconnect error in the mysql and mysql2 adapters (jeremyevans) (#1706)