Sidekiq v2.8.0 Release Notes

    • ⏪ I18n support! Sidekiq can optionally save and restore the Rails locale so it will be properly set when your jobs execute. Just include require 'sidekiq/middleware/i18n' in your sidekiq initializer. [#750]
    • 🛠 Fix bug which could lose messages when using namespaces and the message needs to be requeued in Redis. [#744]
    • 🔨 Refactor Redis namespace support [#747]. The redis namespace can no longer be passed via the config file, the only supported way is via Ruby in your initializer:
    sidekiq_redis = { :url => 'redis://localhost:3679', :namespace => 'foo' }
    Sidekiq.configure_server { |config| config.redis = sidekiq_redis }
    Sidekiq.configure_client { |config| config.redis = sidekiq_redis }

    ⚠ A warning is printed out to the log if a namespace is found in your sidekiq.yml.