Sinatra v0.9.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2009-01-18 // about 15 years ago
    • Works with and requires Rack >= 0.9.1

    • Multiple Sinatra applications can now co-exist peacefully within a single process. The new "Sinatra::Base" class can be subclassed to establish a blank-slate Rack application or middleware component. Documentation on using these features is forth-coming; the following provides the basic gist:

    • Parameters with subscripts are now parsed into a nested/recursive Hash structure. e.g., "post[title]=Hello&post[body]=World" yields params: {'post' => {'title' => 'Hello', 'body' => 'World'}}.

    • Regular expressions may now be used in route pattens; captures are available at "params[:captures]".

    • New ":provides" route condition takes an array of mime types and matches only when an Accept request header is present with a corresponding type. [cypher]

    • New request-level "pass" method; immediately exits the current block and passes control to the next matching route.

    • The request-level "body" method now takes a block; evaluation is deferred until an attempt is made to read the body. The block must return a String or Array.

    • New "route conditions" system for attaching rules for when a route matches. The :agent and :host route options now use this system.

    • New "dump_errors" option controls whether the backtrace is dumped to rack.errors when an exception is raised from a route. The option is enabled by default for top-level apps.

    • Better default "app_file", "root", "public", and "views" location detection; changes to "root" and "app_file" automatically cascade to other options that depend on them.

    • Error mappings are now split into two distinct layers: exception mappings and custom error pages. Exception mappings are registered with "error(Exception)" and are run only when the app raises an exception. Custom error pages are registered with "error(status_code)", where "status_code" is an integer, and are run any time the response has the status code specified. It's also possible to register an error page for a range of status codes: "error(500..599)".

    • In-file templates are now automatically imported from the file that requires 'sinatra'. The use_in_file_templates! method is still available for loading templates from other files.

    • Sinatra's testing support is no longer dependent on Test::Unit. Requiring 'sinatra/test' adds the Sinatra::Test module and Sinatra::TestHarness class, which can be used with any test framework. The 'sinatra/test/unit', 'sinatra/test/spec', 'sinatra/test/rspec', or 'sinatra/test/bacon' files can be required to setup a framework-specific testing environment. See the README for more information.

    • Added support for Bacon (test framework). The 'sinatra/test/bacon' file can be required to setup Sinatra test helpers on Bacon::Context.

    • Deprecated "set_option" and "set_options"; use "set" instead.

    • Deprecated the "env" option ("options.env"); use "environment" instead.

    • Deprecated the request level "stop" method; use "halt" instead.

    • Deprecated the request level "entity_tag" method; use "etag" instead. Both "entity_tag" and "etag" were previously supported.

    • Deprecated the request level "headers" method (HTTP response headers); use "response['Header-Name']" instead.

    • Deprecated "Sinatra.application"; use "Sinatra::Application" instead.

    • Deprecated setting Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application. This should no longer be necessary.

    • Deprecated "Sinatra.default_options"; use "Sinatra::Default.set(key, value)" instead.

    • Deprecated the "ServerError" exception. All Exceptions are now treated as internal server errors and result in a 500 response status.

    • Deprecated the "get_it", "post_it", "put_it", "delete_it", and "head_it" test helper methods. Use "get", "post", "put", "delete", and "head", respectively, instead.

    • Removed Event and EventContext classes. Applications are defined in a subclass of Sinatra::Base; each request is processed within an instance.