Sinatra v1.0 Release Notes

Release Date: 2010-03-23 // about 14 years ago
    • It's now possible to register blocks to run after each request using after filters. After filters run at the end of each request, after routes and error handlers. (Jimmy Schementi)

    • Sinatra now uses Tilt for rendering templates. This adds support for template caching, consistent template backtraces, and support for new template engines, like mustache and liquid. (Ryan Tomayko)

    • ERB, Erubis, and Haml templates are now compiled the first time they're rendered instead of being string eval'd on each invocation. Benchmarks show a 5x-10x improvement in render time. This also reduces the number of objects created, decreasing pressure on Ruby's GC. (Ryan Tomayko)

    • New 'settings' method gives access to options in both class and request scopes. This replaces the 'options' method. (Chris Wanstrath)

    • New boolean 'reload_templates' setting controls whether template files are reread from disk and recompiled on each request. Template read/compile is cached by default in all environments except development. (Ryan Tomayko)

    • New 'erubis' helper method for rendering ERB template with Erubis. The erubis gem is required. (Dylan Egan)

    • New 'cache_control' helper method provides a convenient way of setting the Cache-Control response header. Takes a variable number of boolean directives followed by a hash of value directives, like this: cache_control :public, :must_revalidate, :max_age => 60 (Ryan Tomayko)

    • New 'expires' helper method is like cache_control but takes an integer number of seconds or Time object: expires 300, :public, :must_revalidate (Ryan Tomayko)

    • New method for checking for an SSL connection. (Adam Wiggins)

    • Sinatra apps can now be run with a -o <addr> argument to specify the address to bind to. (Ryan Tomayko)

    • Rack::Session::Cookie is now added to the middleware pipeline when running in test environments if the :sessions option is set. (Simon Rozet)

    • Route handlers, before filters, templates, error mappings, and middleware are now resolved dynamically up the inheritance hierarchy when needed instead of duplicating the superclass's version when a new Sinatra::Base subclass is created. This should fix a variety of issues with extensions that need to add any of these things to the base class. (Ryan Tomayko)

    • Exception error handlers always override the raise_errors option now. Previously, all exceptions would be raised outside of the application when the raise_errors option was enabled, even if an error handler was defined for that exception. The raise_errors option now controls whether unhandled exceptions are raised (enabled) or if a generic 500 error is returned (disabled). (Ryan Tomayko)

    • The X-Cascade response header is set to 'pass' when no matching route is found or all routes pass. (Josh Peek)

    • Filters do not run when serving static files anymore. (Ryan Tomayko)

    • pass takes an optional block to be used as the route handler if no subsequent route matches the request. (Blake Mizerany)

    ๐Ÿšš The following Sinatra features have been obsoleted (removed entirely) in ๐Ÿš€ the 1.0 release:

    • The sinatra/test library is obsolete. This includes the Sinatra::Test module, the Sinatra::TestHarness class, and the get_it, post_it, put_it, delete_it, and head_it helper methods. The Rack::Test library should be used instead.

    • Test framework specific libraries (sinatra/test/spec, sinatra/test/bacon,sinatra/test/rspec, etc.) are obsolete. See for instructions on setting up a testing environment under each of these frameworks.

    • Sinatra::Default is obsolete; use Sinatra::Base instead. Sinatra::Base acts more like Sinatra::Default in development mode. For example, static file serving and sexy development error pages are enabled by default.

    • Auto-requiring template libraries in the erb, builder, haml, and sass methods is obsolete due to thread-safety issues. You must require the template libraries explicitly in your app.

    • The :views_directory option to rendering methods is obsolete; use :views instead.

    • The :haml and :sass options to rendering methods are obsolete. Template engine options should be passed in the second Hash argument instead.

    • The use_in_file_templates method is obsolete. Use enable :inline_templates or set :inline_templates, 'path/to/file'

    • The 'media_type' helper method is obsolete. Use 'mime_type' instead.

    • The 'mime' main and class method is obsolete. Use 'mime_type' instead.

    • The request-level send_data method is no longer supported.

    • The Sinatra::Event and Sinatra::EventContext classes are no longer supported. This may effect extensions written for versions prior to 0.9.2. See Writing Sinatra Extensions for the officially supported extensions API.

    • The set_option and set_options methods are obsolete; use set instead.

    • The :env setting (settings.env) is obsolete; use :environment instead.

    • The request level stop method is obsolete; use halt instead.

    • The request level entity_tag method is obsolete; use etag instead.

    • The request level headers method (HTTP response headers) is obsolete; use response['Header-Name'] instead.

    • Sinatra.application is obsolete; use Sinatra::Application instead.

    • Using Sinatra.application = nil to reset an application is obsolete. This should no longer be necessary.

    • Using Sinatra.default_options to set base configuration items is obsolete; use Sinatra::Base.set(key, value) instead.

    • The Sinatra::ServerError exception is obsolete. All exceptions raised within a request are now treated as internal server errors and result in a 500 response status.

    • The :methodoverride' option to enable/disable the POST _method hack is obsolete; use:method_override` instead.