textacular v2.1.0 Release Notes

      • search aliases new advanced_search method (same functionality as before), but will alias basic_search in 3.0! Should print warnings.
    • 3 new features
      • Generate full text search indexes from a rake task (sort of like in 1.x). Supply a specific model name.
      • New search methods: basic_search, advanced_search and fuzzy_search. Basic allows special characters like &, and % in search terms. Fuzzy is based on Postgres's trigram matching extension pg_trgm. Advanced is the same functionality from search previously.
      • Rake task that installs pg_trgm now works on Postgres 9.1 and up.
    • 2 dev improvements
      • Test database configuration not automatically generated from a rake task and ignored by git.
      • New interactive developer console (powered by pry).