
Monthly Downloads: 59,870
Programming language: Ruby
License: MIT License
Latest version: v0.17.0

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TTY::ProgressBar Gitter

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A flexible progress bars drawing in terminal emulators.

TTY::ProgressBar provides independent progress bars component for TTY toolkit.


  • Fully configurable
  • Extremely flexible progress display formatting
  • Includes many predefined tokens to calculate ETA, Bytes ... tokens
  • Allows to define your custom tokens
  • Supports parallel multi progress bars multi
  • Handles Unicode characters in progress bar unicode
  • Works on all ECMA-48 compatible terminals


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem "tty-progressbar"

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install tty-progressbar


1. Usage

TTY::ProgressBar requires only format string and total number of steps to completion. Once initialized, use advance method to indicated the progress like so:

bar = TTY::ProgressBar.new("downloading [:bar]", total: 30)
30.times do

This would produce animation in your terminal:

# downloading [=======================       ]

Use TTY::ProgressBar::Multi to display multiple parallel progress bars:

bars = TTY::ProgressBar::Multi.new("main [:bar] :percent")

bar1 = bars.register("one [:bar] :percent", total: 15)
bar2 = bars.register("two [:bar] :percent", total: 15)


th1 = Thread.new { 15.times { sleep(0.1); bar1.advance } }
th2 = Thread.new { 15.times { sleep(0.1); bar2.advance } }

[th1, th2].each { |t| t.join }

which will produce:

# โ”Œ main [===============               ] 50%
# โ”œโ”€โ”€ one [=====          ] 34%
# โ””โ”€โ”€ two [==========     ] 67%

2. TTY::ProgressBar API

2.1 advance

Once you have TTY::ProgressBar instance, you can progress the display by calling advance method. By default it will increase by 1 but you can pass any number of steps, for instance, when used to advance number of bytes of downloaded file.


You can also pass negative steps if you wish to backtrack the progress:


Note: If a progress bar has already finished then negative steps will not set it back to desired value.

2.2 iterate

To simplify progressing over an enumerable you can use iterate which as a first argument accepts an Enumerable and as a second the amount to progress the bar with.

First, create a progress bar without a total which will be dynamically handled for you:

bar = TTY::ProgressBar.new("[:bar]")

Then, either directly iterate over a collection by yielding values to a block:

bar.iterate(30.times) { |v| ... }

or return an Enumerator:

progress = bar.iterate(30.times)
# => #<Enumerator: #<Enumerator::Generator:0x...:each>

By default, progress bar is advanced by 1 but you can change it by passing second argument:

bar.iterate(30.times, 5)

One particularly useful application of iterate are Ruby infamous lazy enumerators, or slowly advancing enumerations, representing complex processes.

For example, an Enumerator that downloads content from a remote server chunk at a time:

downloader = Enumerator.new do |y|
  start = 0
  loop do
    yield(download_from_server(start, CHUNK_SIZE))
    raise StopIteration if download_finished?
    start += CHUNK_SIZE

would be used with progress bar with the total size matching the content size like so:

bar = TTY::ProgressBar.new("[:bar]", total: content_size)
# you need to provide the total for the iterate to avoid calling enumerator.count
response = bar.iterate(downloader, CHUNK_SIZE).to_a.join

This would result in progress bar advancing after each chunk up until all content has been downloaded, returning the result of the download in response variable.

Please run [slow_process example](examples/slow_process.rb) to see this in action.

2.3 current=

TTY::ProgressBar allows you to set progress to a given value by calling current= method.

bar.current = 50

Note: If a progress bar has already finished then negative steps will not set it back to desired value.

2.4 ratio=

In order to update overall completion of a progress bar as an exact percentage use the ratio= method. The method accepts values between 0 and 1 inclusive. For example, a ratio of 0.5 will attempt to set the progress bar halfway:

bar.ratio = 0.5

2.5 width=

You can set how many terminal columns will the :bar actually span excluding any other tokens and/or text. For example if you need the bar to be always 20 columns wide do:

bar.width = 20

or with configuration options:

bar = TTY::ProgressBar.new("[:bar]", width: 20)

2.6 start

By default the timer for internal time estimation is started automatically when the advance method is called. However, if you require control on when the progression timer is started use start call:

bar.start  # => sets timer and draws initial progress bar

2.7 update

Once the progress bar has been started you can change its configuration option(s) by calling update:

bar.update(complete: "+", frequency: 10)

2.8 finish

In order to immediately stop and finish the progress call finish. This will finish drawing the progress and return to new line.


2.9 stop

In order to immediately stop the bar in the current position and thus finish any further progress use stop:


2.10 reset

In order to reset currently running or finished progress bar to its original configuration and initial position use reset like so:


After resetting the bar if you wish to draw and start the bar and its timers use start call.

2.11 complete?

During progression you can check if a bar is finished or not by calling complete?. The bar will only return true if the progression finished successfully, otherwise false will be returned.

bar.complete? # => false

2.12 resize

If you wish for a progress bar to change it's current width, you can use resize by passing in a new desired length. However, if you don't provide any width the resize will use terminal current width as its base for scaling.

bar.resize      # => determine terminal width and scale accordingly
bar.resize(50)  # => will resize bar proportionately from this point onwards

To handle automatic resizing you can trap :WINCH signal:

trap(:WINCH) { bar.resize }

2.13 on

The progress bar fires events when it is progressing, stopped or finished. You can register to listen for events using the on message.

Every time an advance is called the :progress event gets fired which you can listen for inside a block which includes the actual amount of progress as a first yielded argument:

bar.on(:progress) { |amount| ... }

When the progress bar finishes and completes then the :done event is fired. You can listen for this event:

bar.on(:done) { ... }

Alternatively, when the progress bar gets stopped the :stopped event is fired. You can listen for this event:

bar.on(:stopped) { ... }

3. Configuration

There are number of configuration options that can be provided:

  • :total total number of steps to completion
  • :width of the bars display in terminal columns excluding formatting options. Defaults to total steps
  • :complete completion character by default =
  • :incomplete incomplete character by default single space
  • :head the head character by default =
  • :output the output stream defaulting to stderr
  • :frequency used to throttle the output, by default 0
  • :interval used to measure the speed, by default 1 sec
  • :hide_cursor to hide display cursor defaulting to false
  • :clear to clear the finished bar defaulting to false
  • :clear_head to clear the head character when the progress is done, defaults to false

All the above options can be passed in as hash options or block parameters:

TTY::ProgressBar.new "[:bar]" do |config|
  config.total = 30
  config.frequency = 10
  config.clear = true

3.1 :total

The :total option determines the final value at which the progress bar fills up and stops.

TTY::ProgressBar.new("[:bar]", total: 30)

Setting :total to nil or leaving it out will cause the progress bar to render indeterminate animation:

# [                    <=>                 ]

3.2 :width

The progress bar width defaults to the total value and is capped at the maximum terminal width minus all the labels. If you want to enforce the bar to be the same length use the :width option:

TTY::ProgressBar.new("[:bar]", width: 30)

3.3 :complete

By default, the = character is used to mark progression but this can be changed with :complete option:

TTY::ProgressBar.new("[:bar]", complete: "x")

Then the output will look like this:

# [xxxxxxxx      ]

3.4 :incomplete

By default no characters are shown to mark the remaining progress. You can change this with :incomplete option:

TTY::ProgressBar.new("[:bar]", incomplete: "_")

A possible output may look like this:

# [======_________]

3.5 :head

If you prefer for the animated bar to display a specific character for a head of progression then use :head option:

TTY::ProgressBar.new("[:bar]", head: ">")

This will result in output like this:

# [=======>      ]

3.6 :output

The progress bar only outputs to a console and when output is redirected to a file or a pipe it does nothing. This is so, for example, your error logs do not overflow with progress bars output.

You can change where console output is streamed with :output option:

bar = TTY::ProgressBar.new(output: $stdout)

The output stream defaults to stderr.

3.7 :frequency

Each time the advance is called it causes the progress bar to repaint. In cases when there is a huge number of updates per second, you may need to limit the rendering process by using the frequency option.

The frequency option accepts integer representing number of Hz units, for instance, frequency of 2 will mean that the progress will be updated maximum 2 times per second.

TTY::ProgressBar.new("[:bar]", total: 30, frequency: 10) # 10 Hz

3.8 :interval

For every call of advance method the ProgressBar takes a sample for speed measurement. By default the samples are grouped per second but you can change that by passing the interval option.

The interval option is an integer that represents the number of seconds, for example, interval of 60 would mean that speed is measured per 1 minute.

TTY::ProgressBar.new(":rate/minute", total: 100, interval: 60) # 1 minute

TTY::ProgressBar.new(":rate/hour", total: 100, interval: 3600) # 1 hour

3.9 :hide_cursor

By default the cursor is visible during progress bar rendering. If you wish to hide it, you can do so with the :hide_cursor option.

Please note that hiding cursor changes user's terminal and you need to ensure that the cursor is made visible after your code finishes. This means also handling premature interrupt signals and other unpredictable events.

One solution is to wrap your progress rendering inside the begin and ensure like so:

progress = TTY::ProgressBar.new("[:bar]", hide_cursor: true)

  # logic to advance progress bar
  progress.stop # or progress.finish
  # both methods will ensure that cursor is made visible again

4. Formatting

Every TTY::ProgressBar instance requires a format string, which apart from regular characters accepts special tokens to display dynamic information. For instance, a format to measure download progress could be:

"downloading [:bar] :elapsed :percent"

4.1 Tokens

These are the tokens that are currently supported:

  • :bar the progress bar
  • :current the current progress number
  • :current_byte the current progress in bytes
  • :total the total progress number
  • :total_byte the total progress in bytes
  • :percent the completion percentage
  • :elapsed the elapsed time in seconds
  • :eta the estimated time to completion in seconds
  • :rate the current rate of progression per second
  • :byte_rate the current rate of progression in bytes per second
  • :mean_rate the averaged rate of progression per second
  • :mean_byte the averaged rate of progression in bytes per second

4.2 Custom Formatters

If the provided tokens do not meet your needs, you can write your own formatter and instrument formatting pipeline to use a formatter you prefer. This option is preferred if you are going to rely on progress bar internal data such as rate, current etc. which will all be available on the passed in progress bar instance.

For example, begin by creating custom formatter called TimeFormatter that will dynamically update :time token in format string. The methods that you need to specify are initialize, matches? and format like follows:

class TimeFormatter
  def initialize(progress)
    @progress = progress # current progress bar instance

  def matches?(value)  # specify condition to match for in display string
    value.to_s =~ /:time/

  def format(value)  # specify how display string is formatted
    transformed = (Time.now - @progress.start_at).to_s
    value.gsub(/:time/, transformed)   # => :time token replacement

Notice that you have access to all the configuration options inside the formatter by simply invoking them on the @progress instance.

Create TTY::ProgressBar instance with new token:

bar = TTY::ProgressBar.new(":time", total: 30)

Then add TimeFormatter to the pipeline like so:

bar.use TimeFormatter

and then invoke progression:


4.3 Custom Tokens

You can define custom tokens by passing pairs name: value to advance method in order to dynamically update formatted bar. This option is useful for lightweight content replacement such as titles that doesn't depend on the internal data of progressbar. For example:

bar = TTY::ProgressBar.new("(:current) :title", total: 4)
bar.advance(title: "Hello Piotr!")
bar.advance(3, title: "Bye Piotr!")

which outputs:

(1) Hello Piotr!
(4) Bye Piotr!

4.4 Unicode

The format string as well as :complete, :head and :incomplete configuration options can contain Unicode characters that aren't monospaced.

For example, you can specify complete bar progression character to be Unicode non-monospaced:

bar = TTY::ProgressBar.new("Unicode [:bar]", total: 30, complete: "ใ‚")
# => Unicode [ใ‚ใ‚ใ‚ใ‚ใ‚ใ‚ใ‚ใ‚ใ‚ใ‚ใ‚ใ‚ใ‚ใ‚ใ‚]

Similarly, the formatted string can include Unicode characters:

bar = TTY::ProgressBar.new("ใ‚ใ‚ใ‹ใ‚“ใ‚€ใ‚Š[:bar]", total: 20)
# => ใ‚ใ‚ใ‹ใ‚“ใ‚€ใ‚Š[==    ]

5. Logging

If you want to print messages out to terminal along with the progress bar use the log method. The messages will appear above the progress bar and will continue scrolling up as more are logged out.


will result in:

# Piotrrrrr
# downloading [=======================       ]

6. TTY::ProgressBar::Multi API

6.1 new

The multi progress bar can be created in two ways. If you simply want to group multiple progress bars you can create multi bar like so:


However, if you want a top level multibar that tracks all the registered progress bars then provide a formatted string:

TTY::ProgressBar::Multi.new("main [:bar] :percent")

6.2 register

To create a TTY::ProgressBar under the multibar use register like so:

multibar = TTY::ProgressBar::Multi.new
bar = multibar.register("[:bar]", total: 30)

The register call returns the newly created progress bar which answers all the progress bar api messages.

Please remember to specify total value for each registered progress bar, either when sending register message or when using update to dynamically assign the total value.

6.3 advance

Once multi progress bar has been created you can advance each registered progress bar individually, either by executing them one after the other synchronously or by placing them in separate threads thus progressing each bar asynchronously. The multi bar handles synchronization and display of all bars as they continue their respective rendering.

For example, to display two bars async, first register them with the multi bar:

bar1 = multibar.register("one [:bar]", total: 20)
bar2 = multibar.register("two [:bar]", total: 30)

Next place the progress behaviour in separate process or thread:

th1 = Thread.new { 20.times { expensive_work(); bar1.advance } }
th2 = Thread.new { 30.times { expensive_work(); bar2.advance } }

Finally, wait for the threads to finish:

[th1, th2].each { |t| t.join }

6.4 start

By default the top level multi bar will be rendered as the first bar and have its timer started when on of the registered bars advances. However, if you wish to start timers and draw the top level multi bar do:

multibar.start  # => sets timer and draws top level multi progress bar

6.5 finish

In order to finish all progress bars call finish. This will finish the top level progress bar, if it exists, all any registered progress bars still in progress.


6.6 stop

Use stop to terminate immediately all progress bars registered with the multibar.


6.7 complete?

To check if all registered progress bars have been successfully finished use complete?

multibar.complete? # => true

6.8 on

Similar to TTY::ProgressBar the multi bar fires events when it is progressing, stopped or finished. You can register to listen for events using the on message.

Every time any of the registered progress bars progresses the :progress event is fired which you can listen for:

multibar.on(:progress) { ... }

When all the registered progress bars finish and complete then the :done event is fired. You can listen for this event:

multibar.on(:done) { ... }

Finally, when any of the progress bars gets stopped the :stopped event is fired. You can listen for this event:

multibar.on(:stopped) { ... }

6.9 :style

In addition to all configuration options you can style multi progress bar:

TTY::ProgressBar::Multi.new("[:bar]", style: {
  top: ". "
  middle: "|-> "
  bottom: "|__ "

7. Examples

This section demonstrates some of the possible uses for the TTY::ProgressBar, for more please see examples folder in the source directory.

7.1 Colors

Creating a progress bar that displays in color is as simple as coloring the :complete and :incomplete character options. In order to help with coloring you can use pastel library like so:

require "pastel"

pastel = Pastel.new
green  = pastel.on_green(" ")
red    = pastel.on_red(" ")

And then pass in the colored strings as options to TTY::ProgressBar:

bar = TTY::ProgressBar.new("|:bar|",
  total: 30,
  complete: green,
  incomplete: red

To see how a progress bar is reported in terminal you can do:

30.times do

7.2 Speed

Commonly a progress bar is utilized to measure download speed per second. This can be done like so:

TTY::ProgressBar.new("[:bar] :byte_rate/s") do |config|
  config.total = 300000
  config.interval = 1     # => 1 sec

This will result in output similar to:

# downloading [=======================       ] 4.12MB/s


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  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
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Everyone interacting in the TTY::ProgressBar project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.


Copyright (c) 2014 Piotr Murach. See LICENSE for further details.

*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the tty-progressbar README section above are relevant to that project's source code only.