
When you have a module that you include in other classes, the way you test it might not be obvious. This is what I'm going to show you in this tutorial.
A common source of confusion when using RSpec is whether to use let, let!, or an instance variable, for storing state.
This is the process I use to create a new Ruby on Rails project. I usually use the latest stable version of Ruby/Rails and it’s companion gems.
While Ruby on Rails was first released in 2004, and a lot has happened since then, it’s still relevant in 2018. Here is a list of resources if you want to learn Ruby on Rails in 2018.
Learn Elixir not because you will get a better job out of it, but because learning functional programming will make you a better programmer.
Do you find unless to be confusing? I know I do. Especially if it’s combined with one or more boolean operators.
Whenever I hear the word sort in a programming context, I get instant flashbacks from my high-school days. It’s like going back in time for a few seconds.
The term comes from the world of functional programming, and it’s often paired with map. You’ve probably heard the term map/reduce if you’ve been in the programming world for more than a few months.
The Ruby Enumerable module deserves the top spot in the popularity contest. It packs so many great methods that it’s hard to think of an application that wouldn’t use it.
I think it’s so cool that the Ruby map method exists. It means that Ruby has support for higher-order functions, and functional programming.
I remember when I first heard about strings. I wanted to create a command line application that would ask the user for his name and age.
Arrays are probably the most popular data structure you’re going to use in Ruby. Learn what you can do with them and how to use them effectively.
When it comes to doing the same thing over and over again, Ruby has a few methods you can chose from. But in this article we're going to look at the each method and what you can do with it.
Operator precedence might be one of the most confusing parts of the Ruby language. Even the docs recommend you just use && and ||.
I first stumbled upon Ruby in 2007. All I wanted back then, was a language that I can build something cool with. I was going from knowing nothing to knowing something, so the information had to be as jargon-free as possible.
Learn about Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) with Ruby, and become a better Ruby developer.
Ruby uses the case for writing switch statements. Learn how case works and how you can use it.
A Ruby object has its methods public by default, but its data is private. So if you need to access the data, for either reading or writing, you need to make it public somehow.
Do any of these statements resonate?

Fixing and shipping bugs takes a long time
Hot-fixes to production often go wrong
Shipping new features to production take weeks or even months
Why are there so many different types of tests in Ruby on Rails and how are they different from one another?
Removing dependencies leads to code that is easier to extend. In this article you're going to learn about removing argument order dependencies.