
In this episode, we'll look at setting up a fresh Windows 11 environment for Ruby on Rails development. We'll be looking at a few different tricks that makes managing a Windows environment much easier
In this episode, we look at running a self hosted Large Language Model (LLM) and consuming it with a Rails application. We will use a background to make API requests to the LLM and then stream the responses in real-time to the browser.
In this episode, we look at some of the design patterns that are used in Campfire and my take on why they took this approach. We'll explore some of the code organization, search functionality, and more!
In this episode, we explore the Campfire code from 37signals' Once product line. We'll install the product and grab the code base to get it up and running on our development environment.
With Turbo 8 comes a lot of new features and in this episode, we'll explore an upgrading a blog post with comments to add in the new functionality.
Keyboard shortcuts, or Hotkeys, can provide a great experience to users of an application. In this episode, we will use a stimulus wrapper around this library to use within our Ruby on Rails application.
We can create a small python service that uses a Large Language Model (LLM) to detect if a message is spam or not. Using this service, we can tie it into our Rails application so that any comment created will be evaluated for being spam or not. We explore a few different routes on handling any messages flagged as spam.
Stripe Checkout is one of my favorite ways to handle payments in Ruby on Rails applications. Stripe Checkouts will soon have an option to embed the Checkout into your web application. In this episode, we'll look at implementing this feature with a StimulusJS controller.
A special release to celebrate 418 episodes. I talk about different HTTP response codes.
In this episode, we look at adding system tests in our application to test our Stimulus Controllers. We'll also look at how to DRY up some of the tests and how to run them in a headless environment.
When previewing PDF files that were uploaded through Active Storage, we can only get a simple image of the first page. In this episode, we'll look at taking the uploaded PDFs and interacting with them.
In a previous episode, we had created a custom ActionCable channel to assist in broadcasting updates from a background job. With the introduction of Turbo, we can simplify this process as we look at a few different approaches in displaying a progress bar with real time updates from background jobs.
Video coverage of This Week in Rails - 2023-06-09
In this episode, we take a few different approaches in how we display error pages in our Rails application. We'll also look at a few potential problems with each approach that we need to be aware of.
In this episode, we explore session hijacking and an approach that we can take to limit the risk. There are some user experience and functionality caveats to this approach so they must be taken into consideration as well.
Rails World tickets waiting list, caching improvements and more!
End of April 2023 Edition
A new conference, new Action Mailer callbacks and more!
In this episode, we look at creating an audio transcription service which allows files uploaded from Active Storage to be transcribed with Artificial Intelligence. However, there are a lot of considerations around the approach from both a performance and thread safety perspectives.
March 31st 2023 edition 🌸
Composite primary keys improvements and more
TestFixtures#fixture_path deprecation, FinderMethods#find support for composite primary key values, etc.
MRSK deploys web apps anywhere from bare metal to cloud VMs using Docker with zero downtime. In this episode, we will set up a Digital Ocean infrastructure with a Load Balancer, Virtual Machines, and a PostgreSQL database. We'll use MRSK to provision and deploy our Rails application to the Virtual Machines.
The asset pipeline can be confusing. So, in this episode, we explore Sprockets and the movement towards Propshaft, a new Rails library for managing assets. We'll also have a look at some nuances with jsbundling and how to overcome them.
Outlets let you reference Stimulus controller instances and their controller element from within another Stimulus Controller by using CSS selectors. In this episode, we look at a simple example and then refactoring some older code where we used some workarounds to communicate with other stimulus controllers.
For various reasons, we may decide to move our services off of one platform onto another. This could be due to pricing, uptime or other reasons. In this episode, we look at migrating a Ruby on Rails application and database from Heroku to Fly.
More intuitive checking of form check boxes and radio buttons

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