
[Showing flash messages in Hanami]( is trivial, and it is even shown in the official guides. In this episode though, we make this future-proof, testable, and maintainable for the future growth of your application.
Probably any web app nowadays requires font icons to be loaded this or other way. In this episode, I'm showing the integration of Font Awesome icons in Hanami 2 applications.
I've collected questions collected from the community and asked them to Tim Riley and Luca Guidi from the Hanami Core Team! This way we enjoy reaching our important milestone of releasing 50th Hanami Mastery episode!
There is a famous video about the IT skill iceberg - but thankfully, there is an alternative. If you ever wondered if you can build entire websites without HTML overhead, now you can!

Meet Phlex, a view engine, where you can write Ruby instead of HTML
A new Hanami Mastery episode has been released! This time we cover sending emails with Hanami, using hanami-mailer. hanami-mailer is not yet updated to work seamlessly with Hanami 2. Still, we've decided to integrate it to show the power of providers, which gives you complete control over the component loading mechanisms.

But what do You use to send emails in ruby, except action-mailer ?
With the release of Hanami 2.1, the view layer is fully integrated with our Hanami applications. Let's check how to make use of a form helper to send a contact email.
Bridgetown is the best static site generator for Ruby, and here is why!
Working with open source for a long time is tremendous work, often unappreciated. Join me with a moment of sharing a word of appreciation to one of OSS hero you know!
If you want to work with frontmatter in Ruby, you need to know the front_matter_parser gem. Here is everything you need.
Render is one of the top replacements for hosting sandbox ruby apps for free. In this episode we guide you through the deployment process of your Hanami application, so you can have a complete, production-ready Hanami application on your own!
Have you ever considered how to efficiently render HTML out of your markdown input in ruby? Here we cover this problem with additional custom cosmetic improvements.
A new episode of content_for :devs podcast released! Check it out if you are wondering, how to produce screencasts efficiently!
In Hanami, you can reduce technical debt and keep fast development when the application grows. For that, slices is the key feature to revolutionize the way you think about web applications in Ruby.
Handling exceptions is one of the most needed features for any application that can scale. If you are wondering, how to handle errors in Hanami 2 applications, don't look for more.
The Pessimize gem is amazing, to ensure we don't accidentally bump gem versions too much on the single upgrade run. In this episode We're explaining why it's important, and how to leverage tools like pessimize to manage gem upgrades easily and safely.
After years-long marathon, the combined effort of DRY, ROM and Hanami teams resulted in this. Completely new Hanami, released today!
Semantic versioning is a useful approach to version your projects or gems - let’s deep dive into it together!

The knowledge about versioning will be necessary at some point if you seriously think about Ruby career.
Did you know that ROM has built-in pagination support? And so, Hanami has! In this short episode I show you how to paginate resources in Hanami with ROM, and why it's useful to validate the get parameters!

If you have experience testing ruby applications, I'm sure you've heard about FactoryBot. Here I show you the alternative, suited for ROM-based applications, including Hanami 2.
Learn how to integrate the best ORM in Ruby ecosystem with Hanami (and any Ruby) application!

Hanami 2.0 comes without the persistence layer nor views preconfigured. It is useful then to know how to set up the best ORM available in the Ruby ecosystem.

While this episode showcases the Hanami integration, you can apply these tips to any application you'll ever write.
Hanami 2 is behind the corner, so we started putting effort into upgrading our projects. It's not easy, but doable and we decided to share our findings for others to have an easier time. Check it out, next steps to come!
Sidekiq is probably the most known background processing engine for Ruby projects. In this episode, I’ll show you how to integrate it into Hanami applications!

Even if you’re unfamiliar with Hanami, this guide helps with integrating with ANY Ruby project!
A sitemap is one of the core features for any web application, to make sure your site is indexed properly. Here is how to generate sitemaps in Hanami applications using the sitemap_generator gem!
Integrate Simplecov with Hanami and master your test coverage reports minimizing false positives!

You can apply these tips to any ruby application even though Hanami is used as an example.
An opinionated video overview about different test coverage levels in Ruby applications
In the recent Rails 2022 Survey, Rubocop found its place on the list of the most Loved AND most frustrating gems which is quite an achievement. Neverless, I didn't like it, so in this episode I'm sharing a few thoughts how to fix all the issues related to Rubocop and be left with LOVE only.
Routing is one of the basic components of any web application. In this episode I’ll dig a bit into the hanami-router from the usage point of view, covering why it’s great and how to work with it.
If you are working with API, data serialization is definitely a feature you would love to be done well. In this article I'm guiding you to serialize JSON responses in Hanami applications using Alba - the fastest ruby serialization gem
Validating data input is an extremely important problem to tackle in all applications. In Ruby ecosystem there is no better tool for that than dry-validation. Here is why!

The most popular DRY gem finally covered on Hanami Mastery! Check it out!
Meet one of the most powerful DRY gems, dry-schema!

dry-schema is an extremely powerful and validation engine for Ruby applications and as it's a **built-in validation solution for Hanami projects**, it'is important to get familiar with it.

In this Youtube screencast I describe the main features and mention the importance of this gem in Hanami applications. Check it out!

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