Volt v0.8.6 Release Notes

Release Date: 2014-10-05 // over 9 years ago
    • Major changes to the templating system (to address common concerns and make things simpler).
      1. All binding now takes place between {{ and }} instead of { and } (double stash instead of single stash) Escaping is still with a tripple stash {{{ escap{{ed}} }}} => escap{{ed}}
      2. Bindings can now be (almost) any ruby code. No more #'s at the beginning. Blocks are now closed with {{ end }} If's are now: {{ if _something }} ... {{ elsif _other }} .. {{ else }} .. {{ end }} Each's are now: {{ _items.each do |item| }} ... {{ end }} Template bindings are now: {{ template "path" }} (along with other options) Each should use do notation not brackets. Also, .each is not actually called, the binding is parsed and converted into a EachBinding. Other Eneumerable methods do not work at this time, only each. (more coming soon)
      3. Bindings in routes now use double stashes as well get '/products/{{ _name }}/info'
      4. To help clean things up, we reccomend spaces between {{ and }}