Ruby gem for collecting external HTTP requests metrics with exporting to Prometheus This gem is a Part of the Yabeda monitoring framework.
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Built-in metrics for external services HTTP calls! This gem is a Part of the yabeda suite.
Read introduction article on
Works as the Puma plugin and provides following metrics:
- the number of external HTTP request attempts (by host, port, method)http_response_total
- the number of made external HTTP requeusts (by host, port, method, status)http_response_duration
- the histogram of response duration (by host, port, method, status)
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'yabeda-http_requests'
And then execute:
$ bundle install
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install yabeda-http_requests
After plugin the gem, you just have to set up metrics exporting with yabeda-prometheus gem.
The metrics page will look like this:
# TYPE http_requests_total_count counter
# HELP http_requests_total_count A counter of the total number of external HTTP requests.
http_request_total{host="",port="443",method="GET",query="/dsalahutdinov1"} 149.0
http_request_total{host="",port="443",method="GET",query="/amplifr"} 145.0
To simple set up Grafana, try the sample dashboard.
Sample application
Sample application aims to show how Ruby web-application, this gem and Prometheus/Grafana work togather.
Get into example
directory and run docker compose:
$ cd example
$ docker-compose up
After docker image builds and all the services get up, you can browse application endpoints:
- Ruby web-application runs on http://localhost:9292/. Everytime you request page, it schedules random web-scrapping job into sidekiq.
- Sidekiq exposes prometheus metrics on http://localhost:9394/metrics. This endpoint is scrapped by prometheus exporter every 5 seconds.
- Grafana runs on http://localhost:3000/. Use
as login and password to get in. Grafana already has specific dashboard with data visualisation.
Follow the yabeda-external-http-requests dashboard in Grafana. Finally, after a couple of minutes when data collected you will see the following: [Monitor external HTTP calls with Grafana](docs/dashboard.png)
Development with Docker
Get local development environment working and tests running is very easy with docker-compose:
docker-compose run app bundle
docker-compose run app bundle exec rspec
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at
- Bump version number in
In case of pre-releases keep in mind rubygems/rubygems#3086 and check version with command like
with missing changes, add header with version and date.Make a commit:
git add lib/yabeda/http_requests/version.rb
version=$(ruby -r ./lib/yabeda/http_requests/version.rb -e "puts")
git commit --message="${version}: " --edit
- Create annotated tag:
git tag v${version} --annotate --message="${version}: " --edit --sign
Fill version name into subject line and (optionally) some description (list of changes will be taken from changelog and appended automatically)
Push it:
git push --follow-tags
- GitHub Actions will create a new release, build and push gem into RubyGems! You're done!
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.
*Note that all licence references and agreements mentioned in the yabeda-http_requests README section above
are relevant to that project's source code only.