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Avg Release Cycle
160 days
Latest Release
611 days ago

Changelog History
Page 4

  • v0.3.12 Changes

    April 24, 2012
    • Geos::FFIFactory collection constructors sometimes modified arguments in place, which caused problems for the ZMFactory among other things. Fixed.
  • v0.3.11 Changes

    April 14, 2012
    • ๐Ÿ›  Geometry#buffer crashed in the geos capi factory. Fixed.
  • v0.3.10 Changes

    April 12, 2012
    • Implemented subdivision and other analysis features on Cartesian::BoundingBox.
    • ๐Ÿ›  Operators +, -, and * were not implemented in the ffi-geos factory. Fixed.
  • v0.3.9 Changes

    April 10, 2012
    • Implemented LineString#length and MultiLineString#length for simple cartesian and simple spherical factories.
    • Added Cartesian::BoundingBox.create_from_points.
    • Serialization was broken for some 3d geometries when running libgeos 3.2.x (3.3.x was unaffected). Fixed.
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixed an exception when creating adding a geometry to a Cartesian::BoundingBox when a cast is necessary.
    • ๐Ÿ”ง Added configuration for Travis CI.
  • v0.3.8 Changes

    March 23, 2012
    • When using the spherical factory, some negative longitudes might get perturbed slightly due to floating point errors. Fixed. (Reported by Pete Deffendol)
    • โœ… Fixed a bunch of warnings, and turned on warnings during testing.
  • v0.3.7 Changes

    March 12, 2012
    • Marshal and YAML serialization now fully implemented for geometries.
    • The spatial predicates for objects using the 4D (ZM) Geos factory almost always returned false because they weren't casting correctly. Fixed.
    • Proj#canonical_str and the Geos implementations of Geometry#as_text were returning strings encoded as "ASCII-8BIT", which was causing strange binary output in YAML serialization, among other things. Now fixed. These strings are now encoded as "US-ASCII".
    • YAML serialization for 4D (ZM) Geos factories didn't preserve coordinate systems. Fixed.
  • v0.3.6 Changes

    March 06, 2012
    • Geometry#relate? was incorrectly spelled "Geometry#relate" in the Feature::Geometry module and in some (but not all) implementations, leading to various types of method not found errors. Fixed. We'll keep #relate as a deprecated alias for the time being.
    • ๐Ÿ›  Cloning a Geos CAPI factory caused a segfault. Fixed.
    • ๐Ÿ“œ Parsing a "well-known" format string using the ffi-geos implementation returned the low-level ffi-geos object rather than the RGeo feature if the generator was set to :geos. Fixed.
    • GeometryCollection#each now returns an Enumerator if no block is given.
    • Pure Ruby factories (simple_spherical, simple_cartesian) now support a :uses_lenient_assertions option, which disables assertion checking on LinearRing, Polygon, and MultiPolygon construction, since those checks can be expensive for large geometries.
    • ๐Ÿ—„ Fixed Rails 3.2 deprecation warning in SRSDatabase::ActiveRecordTable.
    • โœ… Fixed an issue with the ActiveRecordTable tests on ActiveRecord 3.2.
    • ๐Ÿ‘ Further work towards YAML and mashal serialization support. Factories are now done, but geometries are not. I'm working actively on geometry serialization; it should be in place in the next release.
  • v0.3.5 Changes

    February 27, 2012
    • ๐Ÿ“š Reworked the terminology on equivalence levels. The documentation now names the three levels "spatial", "representational", and "objective" equivalence.
    • Some geometry implementations didn't implement the == operator, resulting in various problems, including inability to set ActiveRecord attributes when using an implementation (such as simple_spherical polygons) that doesn't provide spatial equivalence tests. Fixed. The interfaces now specify that all implementations must implement the == operator and the eql? method, and should degrade to stronger forms of equivalence if weaker forms are not available. (Reported by Phil Murray.)
    • โœ… Added Geometry#rep_equals? to test representational equivalence without the fallback behavior of Geometry#eql?
  • v0.3.4 Changes

    February 21, 2012
    • The FFI-GEOS implementation now uses prepared geometries.
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixed a segfault that sometimes happened when passing a non-GEOS geometry as an argument to a GEOS function under Ruby 1.8.7. (Reported by Greg Hazel.)
    • A few minor optimizations in the C extension for GEOS.
  • v0.3.3 Changes

    December 19, 2011
    • Recognizes MultiPoint WKTs in which individual points are not contained in parens. This is technically incorrect syntax, but apparently there are examples in the wild so we are now supporting it. (Reported by J Smith.)
    • The Geos CAPI implementation sometimes returned the wrong result from GeometryCollection#geometry_n. Fixed.
    • ๐Ÿ›  Fixed a hang when validating certain projected linestrings. (Patch contributed by Toby Rahilly.)
    • โšก๏ธ Several rdoc updates (including a contribution by Andy Allan).
    • โš  Separated declarations and code in the C extensions to avert warnings on some compilers.