Aruba v0.11.0.pre2 Release Notes

    • ↔ Integrate EventBus to decouple announcers from starting, stopping commands etc. This uses nearly the same implementation like cucumber. ([#309])
    • Starting/Stopping a command directly (command.start, command.stop) is now reported to the command monitor and last_command_stopped is updated correctly
    • ➕ Added #restart to Command to make it possible to restart a command
    • ➕ Added check to prevent a command which has already been started, to be started again. Otherwise you've got hidden commands which are not stopped after a cucumber/rspec/minitest run.
    • ➕ Adding alot of documentation to aruba
    • 🔨 Refactored #run: Now it wants you to pass a Hash containing the options. The old syntax is still supported, but is deprecated.
    • ➕ Added #find_command as experimental feature. It searches the started commands from last to first.
    • Added be_an_executable matcher