Capybara v3.7.0 Release Notes

  • ๐Ÿš€ Release date: 2018-09-02

    โž• Added

    • Capybara.disable_animation can be set to a CSS selector to identify which elements will have animation disabled [Michael Glass]
    • Capybara.default_normalize_ws option which sets whether or not text predicates and matchers (has_text?, has_content?, assert_text, etc) use normalize_ws option by default. Defaults to false. [Stegalin Ivan]
    • Selector based predicates, matchers, and finders now support the :normalize_ws option for the :text/:exact_text filters. Defaults to the Capybara.default_normalize_wssetting above.
    • Element choose/check/uncheck/attach_file/fill_in can now operate on the element they're called on or a descendant if no locator is passed.

    ๐Ÿ›  Fixed

    • All CSS styles applied by the Element#attach_file :make_visible option will now have !important priority set to ensure they override any other specified style.
    • Firefox file inputs are only manually cleared when necessary.