elasticsearch-ruby v7.14.0 Release Notes

  • Client

    ➕ Added check that client is connected to an Elasticsearch cluster. If the client isn't connected to a supported Elasticsearch cluster the UnsupportedProductError exception will be raised.

    🚀 This release changes the way in which the transport layer and the client interact. Previously, when using elasticsearch-transport, Elasticsearch::Transport::Client had a convenient wrapper, so it could be used as Elasticsearch::Client. Now, we are decoupling the transport layer from the Elasticsearch client. If you're using the elasticsearch gem, not much will change. It will instantiate a new Elasticsearch::Transport::Client when you instantiate Elasticsearch::Client and the endpoints from elasticsearch-api will be available.

    Elasticsearch::Client has an attr_accessor for the transport instance:

    > client = Elasticsearch::Client.new
    > client.transport.class
    => Elasticsearch::Transport::Client
    > client.transport.transport.class
    => Elasticsearch::Transport::Transport::HTTP::Faraday

    The interaction with elasticsearch-api remains unchanged. You can use the API endpoints just like before:

    > client.info
    => {"name"=>"instance",
     "tagline"=>"You Know, for Search"}

    Or perform request directly from the client which will return an Elasticsearch::Transport::Response object:

    > client.perform_request('GET', '/')