Fortitude v0.0.5 Release Notes

Release Date: 2014-09-22 // over 9 years ago
    • You can now load both Fortitude and Erector at the same time into a project, and it will "just work": Erector widgets will render using Erector, and Fortitude widgets will render using Fortitude. (Fortitude takes over the actual template engine registration for .rb files, and uses a trick to keep Erector from displacing it; it then looks at the widget class being rendered, and delegates all Erector rendering directly to Erector.)
    • When inside a widget, you can now render a sub-widget using widget, passing an actual widget instance — or using widget MyWidget, { :param1 => value1 }i.e., passing a widget class and a Hash of assignments (which can be omitted if the widget doesn't have any needs).
    • Fixed an issue where, e.g., calling #render_to_string on a Fortitude widget within a Rails controller, and then also rendering a Fortitude widget as the template for that action, would cause a method to be called on nil.
    • ➕ Added Fortitude::RenderingContext#parent_widget, which returns the parent widget of the current widget during rendering at runtime. (In other words, this is not the superclass of the current widget, but the widget that caused this widget to get rendered, using either Fortitude::Widget#widget or render :partial => ....) This can, of course, be nil if there is no current parent widget.
    • Added Fortitude::Widget.all_fortitude_superclasses, which returns an Array of all superclasses of a widget up to, but not including, Fortitude::Widget itself.
    • Added Fortitude::Widget.widget_class_from_file, which accepts the path to a file and an array of "root" directories to look under (i.e., assuming you're using something like Rails' autoloading mechanism), and returns the Class object for the widget that's contained in that file. This uses a series of mechansims to try to detect the class that's present in the file: a "magic comment" that can be present in the file, an array of class names to try that you can pass in, the position of the class in the file hierarchy, and scanning the source text itself.
    • 🏷 Added a record_tag_emission class-level setting that tells a widget to call #emitting_tag! on the Fortitude::RenderingContext when emitting a tag; you can use this to build various systems that need to know where in the hierarchy of tags we are at the moment.
    • The object being returned from Fortitude tag methods — which, in general, you should never use — now inherits from Object, not BasicObject, so that some built-in methods like #is_a? can be safely called on it. This is for use in some users' environments doing funny things with the Ruby runtime that end up calling methods like that on the return values of widget #content methods, which very often just end up being the tag return value object.