Code Metrics gems

Showing projects tagged as Code Analysis And Metrics, Code Quality, and Code Metrics

  • SimpleCov

    9.1 6.5 L5 Ruby
    Code coverage for Ruby with a powerful configuration library and automatic merging of coverage across test suites
  • rails_best_practices

    8.8 0.0 L4 Ruby
    a code metric tool for rails projects
  • Reek

    8.8 8.1 L2 Ruby
    Code smell detector for Ruby
  • Rubycritic

    8.5 6.3 Ruby
    A Ruby code quality reporter
  • undercover

    5.0 7.0 Ruby
    undercover warns about methods, classes and blocks that were changed without tests, to help you easily find untested code and reduce the number of bugs. It does so by analysing data from git diffs, code structure and SimpleCov coverage reports