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Gems gems

Showing projects tagged as Gems

  • Bundler

    9.6 7.6 L4 Ruby
    Manage your application's gem dependencies with less pain.
  • RubyGems

    8.7 9.8 L4 Ruby
    The Ruby community's gem hosting service.
  • Gem in a Box

    7.3 4.5 Ruby
    Really simple rubygem hosting
  • passwordless

    6.2 8.3 Ruby
    🗝 Authentication for your Rails app without the icky-ness of passwords
  • gemstash

    5.5 8.4 Ruby
    A cache and private gem server
  • gemdiff

    2.2 6.1 L5 Ruby
    Find source repositories for ruby gems. Open, compare, and update outdated gem versions