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Misc gems

Showing projects tagged as ORM/ODM Extensions, Active Record, and Misc

  • Enumerize

    7.3 7.1 L4 Ruby
    Enumerated attributes with I18n and ActiveRecord/Mongoid support
  • DeepPluck

    4.1 7.2 L5 Ruby
    Allow you to pluck attributes from nested associations without loading a bunch of records.
  • ActiveRecord::Turntable

    3.6 0.0 L5 Ruby
    ActiveRecord Sharding Plugin
  • rails_or

    2.0 3.6 L5 Ruby
    Cleaner syntax for writing OR Query in Rails 5, 6. And also add #or support to Rails 3 and 4.
  • FindWithOrder

    1.5 0.0 L5 Ruby
    Provides a simple way to find records in the same order of input array. Has better performance than manually sorting. (Support both PostgreSQL and MySQL)
  • Redaction

    0.7 0.0 Ruby
    Easily redact your ActiveRecord Models. Great for use when you use production data in staging or dev.
  • QueryDelegator

    0.5 2.6 Ruby
    Composable and re-usable query objects for Active Record.
  • SanitizeSqlLike

    0.4 0.0 Ruby
    Backport #sanitize_sql_like method from Rails 4 for Rails 3. Sanitizes a string so that it is safe to use within an SQL LIKE statement.