Security gems

Showing projects tagged as Security

  • Metasploit

    10.0 10.0 L1 Ruby
    Metasploit Framework
  • Devise

    9.9 5.2 L5 Ruby
    Flexible authentication solution for Rails with Warden.
  • BeEF

    9.8 9.1 JavaScript
    The Browser Exploitation Framework Project
  • Pundit

    9.6 8.0 L5 Ruby
    Minimal authorization through OO design and pure Ruby classes
  • Brakeman

    9.5 8.0 L3 Ruby
    A static analysis security vulnerability scanner for Ruby on Rails applications
  • Gitrob

    9.3 0.0 L5 Go
    DISCONTINUED. Reconnaissance tool for GitHub organizations
  • Rack::Attack

    9.2 6.7 L5 Ruby
    Rack middleware for blocking & throttling
  • Clearance

    8.8 7.5 L5 Ruby
    Rails authentication with email & password.
  • rolify

    8.6 0.0 L5 Ruby
    Role management library with resource scoping
  • SecureHeaders

    8.6 4.2 Ruby
    Manages application of security headers with many safe defaults
  • Oso

    8.5 5.5 Rust
    Oso is a batteries-included framework for building authorization in your application.
  • bundler-audit

    8.1 4.5 L5 Ruby
    Patch-level verification for Bundler
  • Themis by Cossack Labs

    7.4 3.6 L3 C
    Easy to use cryptographic framework for data protection: secure messaging with forward secrecy and secure data storage. Has unified APIs across 14 platforms.
  • Bearer

    7.3 9.5 Go
    Code security scanning tool (SAST) to discover, filter and prioritize security and privacy risks.
  • Sorcery

    7.1 5.8 Ruby
    Magical Authentication
  • Authentication Zero

    6.6 8.0 Ruby
    An authentication system generator for Rails applications.
  • Authority

    6.3 0.0 L5 Ruby
    DISCONTINUED. ORM-neutral way to authorize actions in your Rails app.
  • RbNaCl

    6.0 3.1 L5 Ruby
    Ruby FFI binding to the Networking and Cryptography (NaCl) library (a.k.a. libsodium)
  • acl9

    5.8 0.0 L5 Ruby
    Yet another role-based authorization system for Rails
  • Topaz

    5.8 9.5 Go
    Cloud-native authorization for modern applications and APIs
  • Hashids

    5.7 3.7 L5 Ruby
    A small Ruby gem to generate YouTube-like hashes from one or many numbers. Use hashids when you do not want to expose your database ids to the user.
  • Rack::Protection

    5.5 0.0
    DISCONTINUED. NOTE: This project has been merged upstream to sinatra/sinatra
  • Ronin

    5.1 8.9 Ruby
    Ronin is a Free and Open Source Ruby Toolkit for Security Research and Development. Ronin also allows for the rapid development and distribution of code, exploits, payloads, etc, via 3rd-party git repositories.
  • Symmetric Encryption

    4.9 0.0 L5 Ruby
    Symmetric Encryption for Ruby Projects using OpenSSL
  • Rack::UTF8Sanitizer

    3.9 5.6 Ruby
    Rack::UTF8Sanitizer is a Rack middleware which cleans up invalid UTF8 characters in request URI and headers.
  • Humanizer

    3.8 2.3 L5 Ruby
    Very simple captcha with Rails 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 & 7 support
  • Consul

    3.8 5.3 Ruby
    Scope-based authorization for Ruby on Rails.
  • Monban

    3.7 0.0 Ruby
    DISCONTINUED. Oath is rails authentication made simple. Previously known as Monban
  • RoleCore

    3.5 4.5 Ruby
    🔐A Rails engine providing essential industry of Role-based access control.
  • ActiveHashcash

    2.7 6.8 Ruby
    Protect Rails applications against bots and brute force attacks without annoying humans.